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(school top picture ⬆)
Mia POV:
Today's is the day of school. I am so happy, I wonder what school here would be like here. They don't even know what it is.
"Guys wait up!" I heard Brandon running beside me and Betty.
"Are you excited?! Our first day of a human activity, SCHOOL" Betty screamed, she was wearing a super cute fairy designer cloth.
"Yeah, school!" I joined her. I was wearing a white top with a black shorts. We were close to school.
"Fairy academy" we said in excitement.
Turns out Pamela was the one in charge. "Well, hello girls welcome to fairy academy!" She said excitedly. She looked at me as if waiting for an answer then tapped her head.
"Oh you guys need to sign to the fairy-comp!"
"What's that?"Yuki asks
"It's what human call a com...compu...a computer!" Pamela says
"I wonder why it's called th...!" I say as a computer with, wait for it..... wait for it...... WINGS!!
We write our names down and the comp.... I meant fairy-computer gives us our schedule. I read it.
"I have flamisic class!" Emma screams!
"I'm stuck with fair-cooking!" Betty says a bit disappointed.
"Woohoo! I have com-physi-fairy class!!" Brandon shouts.
They talk for a moment and looked forward too see a very confused going crazy face. Yeah that's me.
"So Mia what class do you have?" Betty asked putting her hand on my shoulder, peeking at my schedule!
" OMG! You have fairy-training! I WAITED MY WHOLE LIFE TO GET THERE!" Betty says a bit too loud. Everyone shushed her.
"Since when exactly did you know that?" Brandon asks.

"Umm since NOW!"she whispers something to Brandon ear. Here's what she said!!!
"Cheer her up will you?" I'm just going to pretend I didn't ear that.

Betty's POV
We were walking when an alarm sounded. Mia suddenly jumped and grabbed and grappled a red thingy, clapped her hands and told for every one to get in a line, we did! "Exit!!" Said Mia. Every one was confused then Oliva came, dressed in a white suit
"You guys that's the bell" said Olivia "get to your classes"
Mia suddenly jumped down from the stairs and said
"Oh...That's our bell I'll change it thanks!" Olivia said walking to the office.
Soon everyone eyes were on Mia, okay we get it that her wings her blue even though her wings aren't out but but I'm wearing a super cute fairy designer cloth!!



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