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Johnathan's pov

When the first missile hit I was blown into the table. I hit the corner and I'm certain I have some broken ribs. But all I can think about is getting to her. I push myself up and sprint to the armory, pushing through the pain, knowing she would be lucky to be alive at this point, she was in the worst room to be in and from the sound the missile hit close to her.

Once I reach the armory the door is already open, and I sprint through the door. I take a look around trying to spot her. I notice that the east wall had been blown out, then a bullet flys by my ear and another grazes my shoulder. I drop to the floor and spot her under a bullet proof shield. I give a small smirk while I start army crawling towards her. She's so damn smart she might have just saved her own life.

Once I reach her I pull the shield off of her and my heart drops. She's losing so much blood. I tear off part of her blood stained shirt and wrap it around her leg and tie it tight to hopefully slow the bleeding and I move on the her stomach. She's still losing to much blood and I realized she's somehow got what I am guessing is a bullet graze all the way from her side, across her stomach to her back plus a bullet wound in her lower abdomen. I put pressure on her lower abdomen just as she is opening her eyes. I keep calling out to her as I try to figure out how to move her without her losing more blood than she already is because we can't stay here with bullets still flying all over the place. But she is unresponsive like she can't hear me. I'm still trying until she blacks out.

I pull my shirt over my head and wrap it around her lower abdomen, and while I still keep pressure on her wound I untie one of her boots and remove the shoe lace just as a bullet grazes my forehead just above my eyebrow but I keep moving. I tie the the shoe lace around the shirt hoping it will keep the shirt in place and keep some of the pressure she needs. I pick her up as carefully as I can knowing no matter what I do she will still be in pain and start for the door. Just as I walk through the frame a bullet hits me in my calf and I drop to my knee. I grunt in pain and get back up and keep moving. I hear gun fire outside and know the enemy is approaching. I no sooner get to the opposite side of the room when another missile hits and blows the west wall sending us flying.

I open my eyes and I can't see clearly. My head is spinning as I try to look around for Elizabeth. I spot her and reach out and grab her just as I black.
----------------------------------------------Elizabeth Gibbs' pov

I can't open my eyes but I can hear. There's beepings of a heart monitor and the sound breathing like it is being assisted by a machine telling me I'm in a hospital. But from the sounds there must be another person in the room with me. Just then I hear a door slide open and two people walk in. They are talking quietly.
" have we found out who they are yet?"
- "no, their dog tags must have fallen off in the attack and all other pieces of information were illegible because of the amount of blood they lost."
" have you contacted the marine base?"
- " yes, but they are over loaded with dead bodies and the unidentifiable."
" well, the best we can do is hope that they wake up. Check their vitals every hour starting now."
-" yes sir"
That's when I fall into a very deep sleep.
----------------------------------------------back at NCIS headquarters

The team is upstairs working on a case while Abby is talking to her husband at his desk. Shannon walks up to her husbands desk, looks back at the news that is flashing the past events unfold. " have you heard anything yet, Jethro?" Gibbs looks up from his computer with a saddened expression on his face. " not yet, Shannon." He stands up and walks over to his wife and hugs her. She whispers into his ear, " your team is falling apart waiting for news, you should send them home, you included." He pulls back and gives her a slight kiss on the check. " and have them do what? They are just going to sit at home waiting for news. Tony and Ziva don't have anything to worry about except for McGee's kid because they don't even know about ours and their kid is at a different base in a different country." She gives a sigh " I guess your right." He gives a sad smirk, " I typically am, but just so you know I let them have a choice if they wanted to go home. They all stayed here. You should go home and be with Kelly, I will call you if I hear anything."She gives him a small kiss and whispers " tell your team not to stare at people" and with that she turns and walks to the elevator. Gibbs walks over and smacks the back of Tony's and Ziva's head, "don't stare at people, especially my wife." While they give him shocked and confused looks he walks back at his desk and sits down and try's to continue his work, still concerned for his daughter.

A few hours later, a marine walks into the floor and heads for Gibbs and McGee's desks. He stops in the middle and looks back and forth between them. " you better go get you wife's. They will want to be here for this." The men just give a small nod while Tony and Ziva give a knowing look as the atmosphere becomes grim.

McGee goes down stairs to get Abby while Gibbs calls his wife.She answers with one question " someone's there aren't they?" He just gives a slight "yeah". Once she arrives at NCIS Gibbs meets her at the elevator. She stops in front of him and looks him in the eye. " I'm not prepared for this." He grabs her hand, " nobody ever is" and leads her  to his desk just as McGee and Abby arrive.

" is there somewhere more privet we can talk?"the marine asks. Gibbs nods his head and leads the way to the conference room still holding his wife's hand.

Once they were all seated the marine hands both couples a yellow piece of paper. It's a missing in action letter. Both girls hide their faces in their husbands neck after they have read the letter. Both men look up at each other trying to stay strong for their wife's. Gibbs speaks up, being the experienced marine that he is, " but this doesn't mean their dead, correct? My father got this same letter when I was in a coma because nobody came to identify me because everyone else was over loaded at the base. Could that be the same situation?" The marine was kind of shocked by this not knowing that he was a marine himself. But he still nodded, " yes, but it is very unlikely. Many positions have been put in place to prevent things like that from happening." He gives that a second to sink in. " we actually found these." He says as he tosses a set of dog tags to each couple. " they must have broken and fallen off in the explosions." Gibbs picks up the dog tags, and examines them. They have some blood stains on them that lowers his hope of finding her alive. He runs his thumb over the same and reads aloud. " Elizabeth G. Gibbs"

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