What's our next move mini part 2 = one full part

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Elizabeth's POV

Our fathers pull up a few minutes after first responders arrive. We are sitting in the back of the ambulance making sure we were okay, even though we already knew that, while giving the police our statements. Our fathers plus Abby come over and we fill them in as the medic finishes what they were doing. They go and examine the crime scene that was once our living room. Johnathan wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer. " we are going to figure this out. One way or another." I sigh. " Were going to half too other wise we or a bystander could be injured or worse." We just sit there until my father walks up to us. " until we find the person that did this you should stay with me and McGee. I would suggest you guys splitting up to make it harder for the person who did this but I have a feeling you guys wouldn't agree with that." We just shake our heads no. " okay, We will meet you at my house and you guys can fill us all in to the missing piece of the puzzle that you didn't tell us about earlier." We slowly get up and walk into the house and upstairs to pack a bag. Once done we head downstairs and into the car and head for my fathers house in silence.

we walk up to the front door and find the is unlocked like always, and step through the thresh hold and hear people talking in the kitchen. As we enter the kitchen everyone turns and looks at us just silently waiting for us to explain. I sigh " We know something we shouldn't" Johnathan joins in " and clearly someone is afraid of what we can and will do with the information." Everyone stays silent for a moment. Then my father speaks up. " What exactly is this information?" Johnathan and I look at each other as if we are both deciding if they should be brought in on this information. Johnathan nods if head slightly. I look my father straight in the eye " someone on our side bombed the military base and they are in the chain of command." He gives a sigh of disbelief and shakes his head before walking over to me and taking me into his arms. " I know it's hard, and there is a difficult journey head for both of you but I promise I will be there for you both and help you through this. If you ever need to talk I'm here for you." I hug him back. " thank you dad. I can always count on you." He lets go and my mother speaks up. " you guys look exhausted, go get some sleep I made the guest bedroom for you." We go around and say our thank you's and our goodnights and head upstairs for much needed sleep as we are still trying to get back to a normal sleep schedule.



Okay sorry I know this is short too but I am trying to get back into writing again now that band season is over. So I hoped you enjoyed this really small part and I will start writing longer parts soon.

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