What's Our Next Move? mini part one

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As Johnathan sits up, I hear sirens in the distance. He holds out a hand and pulls me up into a sitting position in front of him. " Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I nod my head. " I'm fine. Are you?" He nods his head and scans the room. " I'm good. But the house definantly isn't" The living room is completely destroyed. There is no front wall anymore, and there is a hole in the cieling. I look over at Johnathan. "I'm going to call my dad..." He nods " I'm going to do the same." Just as the fire truck and cop cars pull up I pull out my phone from my pocket to find it still intack. I unlock it and find my dads contact and hit dial. There were three rings before he picks up.

- Gibbs

- Dad?

-What happened?

- Someone just threw a gernade through our front window. Nobody's hurt.

-I'm already on my way. Just hang on okay?

- Thank you

-For what?

- Thank you for always being there. I can always count on you.

-I'm your Dad. I will always be there for you. I'm five minutes away. I will be there soon.

- Okay see you soon. Love you

-Love you back.

I hang up the phone just as Johnathan pulls me into his lap. He leans down and whispers in my ear. " I think we know something that someone doesn't want us to know." I look up at him and he leans down and connects our lips. He pulls back and wrapps his arms around me, locking me into a hug. "No matter what happens I will always protect you and I will never stop loving you." I kissed the underside of his jaw and whispered, " How did I get so lucky to find someone like you?"

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________A/N sorry I know this is super short but I just got hit with a wave of exshaution. I didn't realise that the first day of band camp took so much out of me until now so I will probably just do a ton of mini parts because this is probably going to be my life till november.

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