A new beginning, the return home, and a sigh of relief

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Elizabeth's Pov

We pull into the driveway and Johnathan shuts the car off and we just sit there. Letting the surroundings sink in. I turn and look at Johnathan, to find that he was already looking at me. He smiles "we did it. We're home." I smile and put my hand on the back of his neck. " we made it." I then connect our lips for a kiss. When we break apart  I turn and open the car door and start attempting to get out of the car before Johnathan comes over and helps me.

Once inside I look around and find boxes full of Johnathan's stuff because when we decided to move in together we were still overs seas so one of this friends dropped his stuff off here. I turned around after scanning the room."you really weren't lying when you said you hadn't even unpacked yet in your own apartment." He  laughed as he took a step in and scanned the room.  " Nope. I literally got the deployment call the second I brought the last box in. But before we start clearing this place of the 2 years of dust and start going through boxes I think we should go stop at the NCIS headquarters unless you want to wait until tonight." I slip my shoes off by the door and start heading upstairs. " I was going to say the same thing. I'm going to take a shower and change first. There's another full bath in the hall upstairs if you want to take a shower." I pause as I make my way up the stairs, I throw over my shoulder " or you could join me." When I reach the top of the stairs I look over my shoulder and see Johnathan with one shoe on looking up at me. He looks a bit shocked, not really expecting that suggestion from me. Before I turn around, I give him a smile and I see his pupils dilate and his breathing catch. I turn the corner and walk towards my, well our, bedroom. I walk into the bathroom and start the water. I hear Johnathan's shoe hit the floor and him start climbing the stairs. I just shake my head and smile while climbing into the shower. I had no idea I had that much of an effect on him.

We arrive at NCIS and walk into the lobby in our brand new, freshly pressed uniforms. We didn't even make it 5 seconds before everyone was clapping or saluting. We salute back and give return smiles until we reach the elevator and Johnathan speaks up. " I think today is the day that our mums have lunch so should we go down stairs then upstairs." I nod my head and smile. " sounds like a plan." Johnathan presses the button to the basement then grabs my hand and interlocks them. " are you as nervous about this as I am?" I give his hand a squeeze. " yeah. I didn't think it would be this nerve wracking." I am cut off by the ding of the elevator alerting our arrival on the floor. As soon as the doors open we hear Abby call from her lab. " Gibbs I am having lunch with your wife and daughter and it's my lunch break so whatever you have to give me can wait an hour." We step out of the elevator still hand in hand and give each other a knowing smile. Just as we walk through the lab door Johnathan speaks up " does this mean you want us to come back later because we can go upstairs first?" They all gasp and just stand there for a second before they come to their senses and start sobbing and run to us and giving us a bear hug. They all repeat things like " oh my god your here, and your safe, your alive, I can't believe it, etc" Eventually I have to speak up " I hate to say this but your kind of hurting me." Mum and kelly immediately let me go with wide eyes of worry and confusion because they aren't fully aware of the extent of my injuries. Johnathan's mum must have released him also if he made her let go because he pulls up and make me sit in it. I then pull a crying kelly into a proper hug. Inbetween cries she says " I thought I had lost you. I thought you were dead." I hushed her and smoothed down her hair as she continued to cry into my shoulder. " it's okay. I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere. I promised you I would come back and I always keep my promises." She sits up from my shoulder and looks me straight in the eyes "promise me you won't ever scare us like that again." Never loosing eye contact I respond " I promise I will do my best to never scare you like that again" I hold my pinky finger out and she connects hers with mine and gives me a smile before letting go and giving a step back. I look up at my mother as she is wiping tears from her eyes and look over and see Abby doing to same. Johnathan kneels down next to me and smiles. "Are you ready to go upstairs?" I smile and nod my head. "Yeah." He helps me up from the chair and we walk to the elevator hand in hand with our mothers and kelly trailing behind us.

As soon as we walk out of the elevator a few people start clapping before everyone else joins. We start walking towards our fathers desks just as they are standing up looking around confused by all the noise. The second they spot us and make eye contact, you see the relief in their eyes and they sigh knowing we made it home alive. They rush over and hug us. It's basically a repeat of downstairs except the crying. But we all secretly know that they a re just trying to be strong for our mothers. After a few minutes the noise quiets down and Johnathan pulls apart from his father. "She should probably sit down." My father and I pull apart but he keeps his hands on my shoulders. I give a quick glance at Johnathan before looking back at my father. My father is very concerned and confused because nobody has the full story yet. Johnathan pulls over a chair and helps me sit down since it was a lower setting chair. I glance around and notice that everyone is staring at me. " I promise I'm fine.  Having two bomb explosions and five bullet wounds takes awhile to heal, it a couple of weeks I will be as good as new." Now they are even more confused and concerned and even a little shocked. I'm the end they all pull up chairs as Johnathan and I recount our time overseas. After some more tears and hugs we finally are able to leave and go home in promises that that we will spend the whole day with them tomorrow.

When we get home it's late. We get upstairs and take off our uniform not even bothering to put on pjs. We climb into bed and I fall asleep laying on Johnathan's chest listening to his heartbeat with his protective hold around me.

___________________________A/N sorry it took me so long to update. Thank you to all the people who commented asking for me to update because I would have completely forgot and they gave me the motivation to continue writing. So thank you. One more thing as I went back and reread my stuff I realised there are a ton of spelling errors etc. So should I go back and fix them or just leave it be? I know it can be annoying when the notification says someone updated but they are really just editing so opinions???

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