A look in the past

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Johnathans Pov- a week after waking up in the hospital

"Tali just stopped by. She traced down out camera and was able to find us. She's going to go home and give our parents those videos we made." I sit down in a seat next to her bed and take her had listening to the monitor beep with her heart willing her to wake up. " since we have the camera back, we should make another video this way at the end if the others they at least know we aren't dead." I wait a second still hoping for a response. I sigh " I guess I will do it myself"

I reach over to the side table and grab the small military style camera. I turn it on and face it towards me and hit record. " hey mom, hey dad. Hey Gibbs family. Just wanted to let you know that we aren't dead even though I'm sure you got a MIA letter already because our dog tags broke in the explosion." I flip the camera around so they can see Elizabeth. " she's still out cold, I woke up about a week ago. I'm still waiting for her to choose to wake up and I won't leave until she does. It's like she is choosing to stay asleep, to stay in a coma. But she promised me she would always come back to me and we all know how the Gibbs family handles promises. Either keep them or find a loop hole out of them. So I will wait until one of those happens." I turn the camera back to me . " I'm sorry for not being able to contact you sooner. And I am sorry for not comic home but I am going to stay here and wait to go home with her. And I won't come home until she comes home with me. " I give a small smirk. "Okay that's it for now. Love you guys. Hope to see you soon." Just as I am about to hit the end button I feel the smallest squeeze of my hand and a voice say "John?" And I see her eyes open. And I swear I had the biggest smile on my face " good morning beautiful." Then I hit end.

----------------------------------------------Gibbs pov

It has been two weeks since we got the MIA letters. At this point we are all back at work, but I am concerned about Abby and McGee, they should have spent more time at home. I turn slightly and hang the new chain with Elizabeth's dog tags on the lamp that sits on my desk. I let my hand slip down the chain and run my thumb over the dog tags and sigh. The chance of my daughter coming home alive decreases with every passing day. I look up at McGees desk and see that Johnathans dog tags are also hanging on a new chain. I still wonder if my daughter actually knew him or if they were in separate teams, I know they were on the same base, but same team I probably will never know.

A coffee cup is set at my desk and I look up and see Kelly and Shannon. Kelly comes over a kisses my cheek. " hi dad. We just came to say hi and to have our lunch with Abby." Shannon then leans over and kisses my other check, " I'm liking this whole visit you at work. We should do it more often." I pick up the coffee and and take a sip. " me too, especially if I get coffee." I say jokingly. Shannon smacks my arm " you think you so funny." Although she smiles I can see the sadness and worry behind her eyes.

No sooner do I notice this, Abby walks in with a marine trailing behind her. Tony and Ziva jump up from their desks," Talia!" And they walk over and hug her while the rest of us stand back imagining what it would of been like to be in their positions.

After a couple of minutes Talia pushes back from her parents. " the real reason I can here was because I have to talk to agent Gibbs and McGee and then I have to catch a plane back to base." She explains while disappointing her parents. She walks over the McGee and hands him a flash drive. " I'm giving you this because I hear you are better with technology than he is." While nodding in Gibbs direction. She steps back and addresses both family's. " This flash drive have a finger print scanner so only you guys can access it." Gibbs speaks up " what's on the flash drive?" Talks looks over at Gibbs " you will find out soon enough but also know that you all need to find out together. And one last think before I go, everything is synced directly to the flash drive wirelessly. So the flash drive is still active and new information can be added on at anytime. It will always be a live feed. Good luck. Oh and this goes with her dog tags." She hands Gibbs a ring. " it was a promise ring that Johnathan gave her." And with that she turns on her heels and heads to the elevator without saying good bye.

McGee and I look at each other. " so do you know how to work that thing?" I ask him " I think so." Is all he says. " do you know what exactly it is?" He looks back at the flash drive and back at me. " not really." I sigh. Then jelly surprises all of us and speaks up. " it's probably videos. Documenting their time over seas. Before she left she told me she was thinking of doing something like that so you wouldn't be left without an explanation of something happened to her." We all just stare at her processing what she said while watching her run her thumb repeatedly over her sisters dog tags. She stops and looks at McGee and Abby. " you probably have the better technology for this so we should go to your house and watch them." McGee and Abby nod in agreement.

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