Chapter 2

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"You've got to be kidding me!" I muttered to myself frantically as Tracy glared at me.

"We cannot I repeat cannot be roommates!" I wailed dropping my bags down and ignoring the sting pain as one landed on my foot. Tracy rolled her eyes and went back to unpacking.

"Well it looks like we are, so would you shut up?" I glared at her back and huffed and collapsed on my bed.

"Does someone out there hate me? Did I do something wrong? I'm a good person, never cheated always treat people fairly…ok maybe I pulled a few pranks on varsity last year and rubbed it in that we beat them but they had it coming!" I yelled pointing up at the ceiling as Tracy sighed loudly and turned back towards me.

"Would you shut up Granger! Some of us actually like nice and quite not overly obnoxious people." I snorted and rolled my eyes and sat up and stared at her as she placed her clothes, mainly pick ones in her closet.

"Me obnoxious? Tracy why don't you look in the mirror you'll se obnoxious staring straight back." She didn't respond as I sat on my bed and wallowed in self pity.

"Why are you on this level anyway, this if for the girls that do sports." I said and she turned towards me and rolled her eyes.

"I do cheerleading, duh!"

"That actually that as a sport?" I asked and she nodded and I sighed loudly.

"What has the world come to where we now count prancing around in mini skirts and yelling at the top of our lungs a sport?" I asked leaning against my wall as she just ignored me and continued unpacking. The room was silent for a long time with her unpacking and me sitting on my bed feeling sorry for myself. I spotted my boom box resting on my desk and got off my bed and walked over to it and looked through my cd's before selecting Nirvana's Nevermind. I placed in it the boom box and walked back over to my bed as Smells Like Teen Spirit came through the speakers. I noticed Tracy wrinkling her nose in distaste.

"Do we have to listen to that crap?" She asked pointing towards it and I rolled my eyes.

"This is not crap Tracy, its loads better then what you listen to." She raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh really, let's see about that." She walked over and stopped my boom box and took out Nirvana and set it back in its case before putting in another cd and pressed play, to my horror this started playing.

"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want." I groaned as Wannabe by the Spice Girls filled the room. It got even worse as Tracy started singing along.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever friendship never ends!" She screamed singing at the top of her lungs terribly off tune as I looked up at the ceiling and wailed.

"Why?" I turned and grabbed a pillow and buried my head underneath it as the pop music seemed to plague me everywhere. This is going to be a long year and school hasn't eve started yet!


I looked up from my book as someone knocked on the door.

"Going to get that?" I asked Tracy as she was closet to the door looking at herself in the mirror. She turned towards me and asked.

"Why would I do that?" I sighed as the knock same again and mumbled as I shut my book and got off the bed.

"Because you're human or at least I think you are." She scowled at me and went back to fixing her hair. I opened the door and looked up surprised to see Adam standing there.

"Adam?" I asked surprised and he smiled and asked.

"Hey Su just wanted to stop by and make sure you're settled in, figure out who your roommate is yet?" I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by a high pitched squeal from Tracy.

TMD:Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now