Chapter 8

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Here we go again, I though glumly as everyone sat quietly in the locker room. Tension was thick; you could cut it with a hockey stick. Everyone knew what was coming.

It was the J.V.-Varsity showdown.

Both teams had been training hard for the past few weeks since school started. Coach had worked us hard with drills and clearing the trash. We had learned new drills as well to surprise varsity. But it seemed no matter how hard we were training varsity was training ten times harder. Because they more to lose then us, if they lost again everyone would know they were a joke, which they except Scooter of course. And also they had hate as motivation while our motivation was to stay alive.

Adam sat next to seeing as Connie was whispering things into Guy's ear making him blush. Adam was wrapping up his weak wrist tightly to make sure it wouldn't get hurt during the game. Last thing we need is our star player getting hurt. He was having a little trouble though considering he was right handed and he was wrapping with his left hand.

"Here, let me help." I offered taking the tape away before he could object like I knew he would. I grabbed his right hand and held it firmly. He grumbled quietly while I wrapped the tape around his wrist. Once done I looked up at him and asked.

"Good enough?" he nodded while smiling slightly.

"Thanks Su." I nodded and resumed my seat just as Coach barged in. He looked pumped and a little nervous but mainly pumped. He high five the Bash Brothers as he walked in, odd, he usually won't touch those two for fear of being pushed into the Bash Brothers famous crushing hug which we all had to go through daily. Like Averman who just had his this morning.

"Is everyone ready?" Coach hollered and we all responded back.

"YES!" He smiled and nodded.

"Now I know you're all nervous but whatever happens out there, you are all winners. It doesn't matter if we win or lose because last year we showed them that they can't keep us down. Varsity's a good team but you guys are better. Not because you guys can play really well but because you guys are a team. You can play together; you know each others strengths and weaknesses. And more then that you're each others best friends. I am proud to be your Coach, now who's ready to whoop some varsity butt?"

"WE ARE!" We all screamed back banging our sticks on the lockers as the Bash Brothers cheered loudly. Coach motioned everyone to the door as we filed out in a singly line. I was at the back with Russ chatting with him when Coach called out.

"Granger!" I turned and walked over to him as everyone left.

"Yeah Coach?" I asked as his eyes traveled to my shoulder.

"Your shoulder, it's doing well?" I nodded smiling.

"Yeah, a little pain but that's what to be expected." He nodded and clapped me on the back.

"Varsity will be gunning for you as well as Banks; if they're too rough on you tell me and I'll keep you off the ice, all right?" I nodded; he smiled and gave me a light push to the door.

"Let's do this." I laughed heading up to the arena where all the Ducks stood waiting to take to the ice. Coach went to our bench as Charlie stood on the ice giving us encouraging nods as we passed. He smiled at me as I passed and headed onto the ice. I stretched and did a few warm up laps before hurrying over to our bench where everyone was assembled.

"Remember what I taught you guys, quack on the count of three. One…two…three Quack."

"Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack." The whole arena joined in as I caught sight of Mrs. Conway sitting with the Banks and my parents.

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