Chapter 6

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"Let's go Ducks!" I hollered as Luis skated past the bench quickly, puck in hand. He skated past the Bear's defense and shot the puck forward and I cheered as the buzzer went off. 2-1 and it was only a minute into the third period. It was Thursday and we were at Blake playing against the Bears. My shoulder was healed and I was ready to play, I don't know if Coach knew though considering I had only been on the ice once and that was 30 seconds before halftime.

"Granger!" Coach called out and I looked up at him.

"Get out there!" He yelled and I nodded excited. I was halfway over the railing when he called out again. I turned back to him.

"Be careful, they'll be gunning for your injury." I nodded and hopped onto the ice as Averman clambered back onto the bench.

"Good luck." He said quickly and I nodded getting into the game. I checked a Bear hard into the boards before skating down to our net to help Julie with clearing the trash as we all liked to call it. I helped keeping the puck away from her and smiled as one of the Bear goons shot it right towards me and I took off down the ice towards their goal. Most of the crowd was booing considering we weren't at Eden Hall. Just as I neared the net I felt someone swipe my legs with the back of their stick and I went flying. I landed hard on my stomach and went flying forward the puck still in front of me. Thinking fast I shot it with my puck as it sailed in under the goalie's legs.

A second later so did I. I groaned as the heavy goalie fell on top of me as we went flying back. But my pain vanished as I heard the satisfy sound of a buzzer go off. I had scored! I quickly got off separating myself from the goalie. I saw one of the players staring wide eye at me and figured out he was the one who had swiped me. I skated over to him and said smirking.

"Dude if you were going for my injury try my shoulder not my legs idiot!" I skated past him and back to the center where Adam was preparing to take the face off. He looked at me quickly for a second as if to see that I was hurt, I gave him a reassuring nod and he smiled slightly before turning back to the opponent. He faced off against them and quickly passed the puck to Fulton who tore down to their net and did his signature slap shot as it rushed past the goalie and I cheered. The game continued on like that and we won 5-1.

Good game Ducks, I'm proud of you, now let's go home!" Coach called out as we boarded the bus, he checked us off as we placed our bags in the front. It had become a tradition to put our bags in the front and we would all sit in the back together. I placed mine down and headed to the back sitting down next to Dwayne.

"Hey Cowboy." I said cheerfully, I smiled as he tipped his hat to me, the true gentleman.

"Howdy Su, great score on those Bears, even though they cheated." I nodded and shrugged.

"Yeah well I'm just glad they didn't try to smack me on my shoulder, it's still a little sore." I remarked resting a hand on my shoulder, it was still bruised and hurt to move when I was overworking it.

"If they did we would have killed them." Portman and Fulton said darkly sitting down in the seats across from us.

"Yeah rip them up into a bunch of little pieces." Portman said smiling and Fulton nodded.

"No one messes with a Duck, unless they want to go through us." Fulton said proudly pointing at both of them as I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah only an idiot would go through you two." Luis said sitting in the seats in front of me next to Connie who smiled at him.

"Well then," Russ remarked sitting down next to Adam across from Luis and Connie, "Averman must be a real idiot." The entire back of the bus broke out into laughs as Averman mumbled something we couldn't hear.

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