Chapter 13

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I sprinted through the full parking lot, running across campus, it would have been much more dramatic if I wasn't freezing and tripping in the snow. I smiled as I saw the hockey rink come into view, throwing open the front doors I was met with the sound of booing. That can't be good.

Coming into the stands I found both teams off the ice, it was half time. I looked at the score board and cursed under my breath, 5-0 Hyenas. This is not good! Turning on my heel I marched to the locker room, I halted right in front of the door.

I fiddled with the strap of my hockey bag, nervously. Am I doing the right thing? Would the Ducks even want me here? Most likely not…but that's not going to stop me in the slightest. I placed my ear to the door and heard a muffled voice…Coach Orion, probably giving them a prep talk. I took in a deep breath.

It's now or never.

Pushing open the door I walked in to see everyone looking at me in surprise. I gave a sheepish smile, and started playing with my hockey stick.

"Granger what are you doing here?" Coach asked as I gave a faint smile.

"What do you think? I'm here to play hockey." The Ducks started whispering to each other as Connie asked.

"What about your debutante ball?" I shrugged easily.

"I skipped it, it wasn't worth it. I love hockey more, it's what I want to do." Portman snorted and snidely remarked.

"Oh so now you figured that out." I sighed as the Ducks murmured in agreement, they were a tough crowd.

"Guys, I know I haven't been here for you guys for the past couple of weeks, and I'm sorry. It's just…my mom has never been proud of me and she wanted me to do this so badly! If I had known this was going to happen I wouldn't have. I've become someone I'm not and I left you guys in the dust. I wish I could take it back but I can't, I can only move on from here." I paused watching as the Ducks took in my words. With an impish smile I declared.

"Besides what do you have to lose? You're already losing 5-0." The Ducks laughed nodding their heads. I gave a hopeful smile to the Ducks and Coach.

"So can I come back?" Please say yes! I don't know what to do without the Ducks. The Ducks all looked at Charlie who looked to Coach who nodded to Charlie who smiled to me.

"Welcome back Su." Cheers erupted as everyone grouped hug. I felt a pair of arms go around my waist pulling me into the chest of Adam.

"Glad to have you back." He whispered into my ear kissing my cheek. I smiled up at him.

"Glad to be back." I turned to the Ducks and yelled.

"Now let's do this!"

"And here are the Ducks coming out for the third and final period. They'll need a miracle to win against the tough Hyenas. Wait a second is that…it is! It's Su Granger! She's back and no doubt ready to lead the Ducks to victory!" Josh enthusiastically yelled as I was met by cheering. I smiled and waved at the audience, seeing Duck parents such as Mrs. Conway and the Banks. My eyes widened as I saw my parents sitting next to the Banks. They smiled at me, as I smiled back.

"Granger get over here!" Coach yelled as I hurried to the bench huddling with everyone else. We huddled up as Coach gave us the low down.

"Granger take the face off." Coach said as I nodded and skated to the center of the ice going up against McGill…great. He smirked at me as we placed our hockey sticks down.

"Ready for pain Granger?" I narrowed my eyes, seeing as his glance went to my shoulder.

"Bring it on McGill." The puck dropped as I slapped it to Adam before knocking McGill down, hard to the ice. I quickly followed after Charlie and Adam who were passing the puck to one another while maneuvering around the Hyenas. Just as Adam neared the net he hit the puck backwards and it sailed towards me.

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