Chapter 5

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I sighed as I watched an unrealistic, overdramatic, horrible acting lifetime movie. In my defense there was nothing else to do besides watch bad soap opera movies. It was Sunday and my parents were out to brunch with some business people that I had never met who were from Germany. And since I couldn't move my shoulder without pain resulting I had camped out myself lazily on my large sofa in my living room watching TV for two days straight, I am pathetic.

I groaned as I heard the doorbell go off and I sighed, and tenderly sat up getting off the sofa and heading to the front door.

"Whoever it is there better be here for a good reason." I grumbled stopping in front of my front door. I unlocked it and opened it and was surprised to see Adam standing there smiling.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked casually and he shrugged simply.

"My parents are out at a charity brunch and I thought you might want some company, was I right or wrong?" He asked looking past me into the empty house and I shrugged.

"Right as always." He laughed and followed me into the house shutting the door behind me.

"So how are you?" he asked as I turned back to him his eyes on my shoulder as I looked down at it and back at him.

"Its fine, I'm not on pain killers anymore which is good, apparently I am really loopy with them." He laughed and followed me into the living room, I retook my position of laying on the couch and he sat at the other end placing my feet in his lap as he looked at the TV confusingly.

"What are you watching?" I turned back to the TV and laughed as it showed some over made up girl running for her life.

"A lifetime movie, yes I know I am pathetic." He nodded and played with my toes absentmindedly and I looked him over. He was dressed in jeans and a long blue sleeve shirt, it looked good on him, it went with his eyes. I was more casual in black sweat pants and a t-shirt with a Might Ducks sweatshirt over. Eden Hall had given the Ducks school sweatshirts after we defeated varsity. On the front it read Eden Hall Mighty Ducks with the Duck logo in the middle and on the back it read Granger and beneath it 26. All the Ducks had one and even Coach had one with the words Coach on the back, he never wore it though. But at least it was better then the lettermen jackets varsity loved wearing.

"Only a little, but I think it's cute." I rolled my eyes and lightly kicked him and he laughed and looked around the empty house.

"So where's your parent?"

"Out with some people from Germany." He nodded in understanding; our parents were always out with various people.

"When are they coming back?" I shrugged carefully.

"Didn't say, probably dinnertime then they have to go to the country club?" He nodded.

"Mine as well; I really wonder why the Ducks want our lifestyle." I nodded; the Ducks were always saying how they wished they lived like us.

"Yeah if only they knew that even though you and I may get the money we barely see our parents." He nodded and continued to play with my feet lightly tickling them and I laughed and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You're tickling me." I clarified and he nodded and smiled mischievously.

"Ah the mighty Su Granger ticklish, this is very good information I think I shall tell Portman and Fulton about this." My eyes widened, that is just cruel to tell the Bash Brothers that, they'll tickle me every chance they'll get.

"You are an evil man." He laughed and leaned back into the couch.

"Yes well it comes in handy." I rolled my eyes and lightly jabbed him and he shook his head and again looked at my shoulder.

TMD:Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now