Chapter 9

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"Coach you have to come to my birthday party! You've been to my birthday parties since I was ten! You even made it last year!" I whined into the phone talking to Coach Bombay. My Birthday was in a few days and I really wanted him to be there. He chuckled over the line.

"Su I got to go to your party last year because I had business to attend to in Minnesota."

"Well get some business over here now! It's in three days! I really want you there!" He sighed, I knew I was guilt tripping him but I hadn't seen him since last year. Besides it's not just a gift to me but to the Ducks as well.

"You know you want to see the Ducks Coach." I said smiling as he laughed.

"I'll see what I can do, but I'm not promising you anything!" I jumped up and down happily.

"Thanks Coach you rock!" I hung up jumping up and down on my bed. Coach might come! The door opened and in walked Tracy. She raised an eyebrow at my behavior but just muttered.

"I don't even want to know." I rolled my eyes hopping down so I was lying on my bed. When I looked over to see her engrossed in a magazine I wiggled happily on the verge of squealing. If Coach comes the Ducks will freak out!

"Hey Coach!" I called out my hockey bag slung over my shoulder. Coach turned from where he stood on the ice and skated over to the railing.

"Yes Granger?" he asked and I smiled digging around for the slip of paper.

"Hold on one minute." He sighed as I finally pulled the paper out of my bag.

"This is for you and Jessica." I said handing him the invitation. He raised an eyebrow as I asked.

"Well aren't you going to open it?"

"I'm a little afraid to." I smacked him playfully as he laughed.

"All right! All right! I'll open it." He opened the envelope and read the paper smiling slightly.

"You're Birthday is Saturday?" I nodded.

"I would love it if you and Jessica came, you could go skating with us." He nodded.

"I'll talk to Jessica about it, and possibly we'll see you there." I nodded smiling.

"Thanks Coach." He nodded towards the doors.

"Not get out of here, you have homework to do and don't think I don't know about your slipping grade in science." I laughed and nodded.

"By Coach!" I hollered over my shoulder as he nodded.

I skated up my driveway Friday afternoon. School had gotten out but all of the Ducks had wanted to watch the Goonies together in the lounge area. Of course no one had actually watched it, more like talked while it played in the background.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" I called out to Adam as he skated up his driveway. He stopped and nodded.

"Yeah 10:00am bright and early at the skating rink for your party." I smiled, I had trained him well.

"Bye!" I called out as he waved. I went into my house quietly shutting the door behind me, the less my Mom hears me the better I'll be.

"Su is that you?" I flinched as her voice carried out from the living room! Dang her enhanced hearing!

"Uh…yeah Mom it is!" I swore under my breath quickly unlacing my skates.

"Why don't you come in here I've got something to show you!" I groaned.

"I can't I got to do homework, you know schoolwork comes first, then hockey!" I made a dash to the stairs but of course Mom had to emerge from the living room smiling giddily.

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