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He didn't know why, but Adrien wanted to surprise his princess.  There was something about the first snowfall that made him even more mischievous.  And maybe more annying.  All he knows is that he had to physicly stop himself from throwing a snowball at his dad to wake him up.  Who knew how Gabriel would react?

He quickly snatched Marinette's pink, fluffy scarf and jumped out the window into the cold outside.  He laughed as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, his black leather-ish suit fully visible in the white suroundings.  Running on all four.  He even threw a snowball at a man down on the street.  He wasn't pleased, but everyone else was.  They all laughed, or didn't care.  His wife or whoever even tried to calm him down.

"Calm down, Robert.  He's just a kid.  Besides, he did die for our safety."

He grumbled quietly as he brushed the snow off him.

"Damn kids..."

Chat landed on the roof next to the bakery.  Judging by the lack of light coming from her room, she must still be asleep.  He just had to be quiet.  He formed a round snowball and quietly opned the trapdoor leaning in to her room.  A mischievous smirk plastered over his face.  She was going to get so pissed.  He peeked his head in, looking around.  Yep.  She was sleeping.  Like a princess.  His princess.

"Here goes nothing..." he mumbled as he threw it right at her face.

She gasped and sat up in insane speed, looking at him whide eyes, while he laughed.

"I'm going to get you for this!"

"Try to catch me!" Chat laughed as he jumped away.

"Tikki, Spots on!"

And with that she ran after him.  Chat shreaked in half fear, half joy as she was getting closer to him.  Adrenaline rush to the maximum.  Heart pounding with excitement.  He squeaked loudly as a snowball barely missed his head.

"M'lady, i'm sorry!" He said between laughs.

He jumped down to the ground and ran.  As fast as he could.  Until she tackled him.  He fell face first into the cold, white snow.  Ladybug Laughed as she held him down while shoving snow into his face.

"M'lady!  I'm sorry!  Staph!"

"Make me!"

He rolled around, making her fall off him.  Now he was the one with power.  Chat held her arms pinned to the ground.  A mischievous smile tugging on his lips.  Before he slowly leaned in.  Both of them slowly closing their eyes as their lips conected.

"Ew!" A small voice yelled.

They both looked up in shock, before realising where they actually were.  By the Eiffel Tower.  Surounded by little kids.  On the first snow day, little kids came here to play in the snow.  Sometimes even the orphans from the orphanage would also be there.  Chat and Ladybug let out uneasy laughs as more kids gathered around them.

"H-hey..." Chat waved at them.

Ladybug just smiled akwardly at them.

"Kissing is gross!"

"Aw!  Come on, kids!  Young love is beautiful!" Alya exclaimed, pushing trough the crowd.

"One day you'll all be kissing your signifigcant other.  Wether you like it or not." She crossed her arms.

Most of the kids gave her disqusted looks.

"Why won't you two show them how?" Alya smirked at them.


"Yes, bug."

Their faces instantly became as red as ladybug's suit.

"O-ok." Chat's voice squeaked.

Chat's hans slowly made their way to Lady's waist.  They both leaned on, tilting their heads slightly.  Closing their eyes as their lips touched.  She grabbed his arms and pulled them closer together, deepening the kiss.  After a few seconds two really flushed faces pulled away.

"Is that love?" A little girl asked pointing at them.

"Well...  Love i-is much more than just kissing, you know.  It's a-about caring for that other person so much you'd die for them." Chat replied.

"Is that why you jumped off the Eiffel Tower?" A boy asked.

Chat's ears perked a tiny bit down.


"We don't talk about it anymore!" Ladybug quickly responded, squeasing him in a big hug.

Finaly!  I actually had like 300 words, but the chapter was crap so i deleted it and this came!  How exiting

I'm actually sick.  But...  Had a big test this wednesday and we were going trough stuff the two other days.  Forced myself to school.  I'm not that  sick today, but coughing is a real problem. ;-;

Have a good day or afternoon or night wherever in the world u r!  Stay beautiful!
~ Maren-Emilie

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