Chapter 23

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How did I get so lucky?

I ask myself that question a lot, especially with the things that I do. Not only did I manage to somehow get Savannah back after all of the sticky situations I've already put her through, but she actually still wants me.

At certain times, I'll still feel a twinge of guilt because I've lied to her about a majority of things like how I'm single when in reality I was still technically with Olivia. Recently, I've been thinking about telling her about everything, but then I'd probably lose her again.

I'm tired of dealing with these conflicting feelings in my body.

I wish I knew exactly what I should do about this situation without it ending in some sort of chaos. Anthony would definitely disapprove if he could hear what I was thinking.

As Savannah and I are walking towards the bedroom, she spins me around and pushes me against the wall. My entire body gets that tingly feeling when her lips start kissing my jaw and my throat.

"Vannah," I moan, trying to get her attention, but it doesn't work.

Her lips continue to move downward, and she's leaving little kisses along my collarbone.

"Savannah, wait. There's something I need to tell you." I blurt out, grabbing her hands.

Savannah looks disappointed that I'm stopping her, but I can't continue lying to her.

"What is it?" She asks, sounding somewhat whiny.

"Okay, you mean a lot to me and all, but there's been this thing that's been eating away at me."

"Cut straight to it, please. I don't have the time to watch a drama being reenacted by you."


Just as I say that, there's a sudden pounding on the door, which startles both of us. The door flies open after a few more pounds, and I see Olivia standing there, looking pissed off as usual.

What the hell is she doing here?

"What's this?" Olivia asks, and Savannah looks more than confused.

"Okay, who are you and why do you think it's okay to just barge into Logan's place like this?" Savannah asks.

Oh no.

"I could ask the same, considering the fact that I'm his girl—," Olivia stops herself before clearing her throat. "Was his girlfriend who just came back to retrieve some more of her things."

Savannah's eyes widen, and her stare burns the side of my face. My nerves feeling overwhelmingly hot with outrage because I know that whatever happens next will cause a total blowout between the two of them.

"Was his girlfriend?" Savannah reiterates.

"You know, we used to kiss and go on dates and have sex and do other things together." Olivia snaps.

"Well, why don't you hurry up and get your things and get the hell up because Logan and I were in the middle of something." Savannah sneers, and my heartbeat begins to race.

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