Chappie #12

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Jaimie's P.O.V

It was around 3:45 a.m. When I began to hear whimpering noises. I looked down and had completely forgotten Angel was with me.

"Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked.

She was on the floor looking out through the window. She looked at me for a paused moment, then continued looking at the moon with teary eyes. Trying to get a better look at her seemed to be impossible, because she would just shy away from me. I picked her up and sat her on the bed. I faced her as I held her hands in mine, I could feel the electric sparks rushing through me with her touch.

"Angel, love? Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?" She just shook her head no.

"Can I give you a hug at least?" She nodded yes after a few seconds.

"I'm sorry you're sad, I wish I was able to do something to make you feel better." I told her sincerely.

She just stayed quiet and soon enough I heard her heart beat beating steadily, I looked at her face and she had fallen asleep. I was tired too, and had to prepare a few things later for Angel's stay.

I carried her bridal style on to the bed and covered her up with our blanket. I lied down next to her under the blanket and spooned her, and had fallen asleep next to my beautiful mate.


I woke to the sound of my alarm going off on my phone. The time read 12:10pm shit we had slept in, well I did anyways, I was gonna give Angel the day off so she could rest. I wanted to surprise her and make her breakfast since she a bit of a rough day yesterday.

I started my morning by taking a shower so I could feel refreshed and ready to start my day. Once I finished getting dressed, I proceeded to go downstairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed some eggs and bread to make French toast. Once I was finished making the French toast I decided to cut up some slices of strawberries to put on top. While I was cutting the strawberries I was deep in my thoughts, so when I felt a hand on my shoulder I jumped. I turned to only find my gorgeous mate with bed head hair she looked so cute even if she just woke up.

"Hey Angel, I was just about to be finished making breakfast for us, do you wanna take a seat at the table ?" I asked her.

"Oh my, that's so kind of you. Would you like any help?" She said while getting kinda shy at the end of her sentence.

"Actually sure. Can you grab the the whip cream and orange juice from the fridge, please?"

"Of course, no problem!" She said happily.

Finally I got done cutting the strawberries and put them on the French toast. You could say I was a bomb chef, but ya know I'm not here to brag or anything. Just kidding I actually can't make that many stuff, I wish I could though.

When I brought our plates to the table she looked excited and happy.

"Thank you so much for the breakfast it looks delicious, plus I love strawberries so that's a big bonus too!" She said.

" It'll taste even better if you add some whip cream with the strawberries." I said while dipping my finger in the whip cream and licking it off. She immediately looked away once I caught her staring she turned a deep shade of red. I wonder what she could possibly be thinking. I just chuckled and said,

"It's okay Angel you can stare I don't mind. As long as it's only you." She covered her face with her hands from embarrassment, but I moved them away. Honestly all I wanted to do was kiss her passionately but I felt like that was too soon and I didn't wanna make her uncomfortable. Especially since I just let her move in.

"Um now you're the one staring at me." She whispered. She looked at my lips then my eyes then my lips, but then looked away.

My wolf stirred inside me from the lust but I knew I had to control myself. Werewolves have the tendency to go all out when it comes to their mates. It's full of passion and extremities, but I can't do that with Angel she far too innocent and precious, she's like a delicate flower.

"Yeah we should probably eat now our food is gonna get cold." I said awkwardly as I cleared my throat.

"Let's dig in!"


Yo what's up, it's me again. Sorry for being MIA like the last two years I didn't even realize I've been gone for that long from writing. But a lot of stuff has happened. I graduated a year from high school wooohoo. But now I've been working 25/8 at a fast food job which sucks and tends to take most of my times. But I'll definitely keep trying to write for you guys. I can't even believe this story has 19k reads, you guys are seriously the bomb dot com!!! Hopefully there aren't too many grammar errors. Anyways let's just hope it doesn't take me another two years just to update 😅 okie bye for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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