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Don't break a writers heart.
They'll write books on you,
Immortalize your story.
Recounting every memory,
Your love will live on.
They'l portray you in magical light,
Or in devils' clothing.
Blooming roses will seem tragic,
Being broken becomes envious.
Scars become battle wounds.
Tred carefully with a writer.
They make everyone pale in comparison.
Feelings; their bliss and curse.
A writer is everything all at once.~ SOUL UNRAVELED ( Instagram profile )

Chapter 7

An Alarm had woken Ammah up just as she heard Mubarak leaving the house in his car with Suleiman , looking at the time on her phone she realised that it was time for prayer and they were probably heading to the mosque for Subh prayer.

What confused her was that he would take his car just to go to a mosque that was a few house close to his own. But MashaAllah, he does have a huge house.

Ammah had gotten so used to just how beautiful his home is with the amount of time she had been here. The first time she had been to the house alone with her car, she had trouble passing the last two gates.

Passing by the first gate would lead you to an exclusive estate ( which included a park, church and Mosque ) where only the upper class would be able to afford - which was owned by Mubarak. And at the far end of the estate is where you would find the second gate, with only three of the most beautiful house she had ever seen , all owned buy one of the richest men of Africa, each house guarded bay another gate.

Alex Brandon.
Mubarak Mahmoud.

But the third house was still unoccupied.

And the third gate would open up almost in slow motion as if letting you know that your about to witness a breathtaking view, as it lead to the pathway of the house she now lives in.

Every two years if Ammah could remember correctly, three men will be chosen as the richest and powerful and the last two times it has happened Mubarak would always make it to second.

Abdul Hassan came in third position, and AstagfuruAllah but that man is all kinds of handsome if Ammah was willing to be honest, and so will every girl admit so.

Ammah had prayed 2 raka'ats of her subh prayer and had just finished reading the Qur'an and making dua when she had decided to make her way to the kitchen and cook up breakfast for the kids to feed on before waking them up for school.

As she passed by the living room to go into the kitchen she realised that the TV had been left on, Ammah knew that Mubarak must have left it on before going to the mosque. Just as she was about to turn it off, she saw a man that was being displayed on the TV that instantly gave her chills.

A man that wax believed to have been naturally gifted by god on tabloid, for nobody knows just how he gets his money - Emmeka James, the most powerful man ever known to Africa.

Making her way into the kitchen. It took Ammah about 10 minutes to figure out what to make for the kids, something light for breakfast that would still keep them full until lunch time, after settling on sandwich and milk she brings out bread from the plastic bag and threw it into the garbage bag.

Ammah. (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now