Part 1

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He was fumbling with his hands uncontrollable, hoping the movements would calm down his nerves that were evident shown by his body language. "Come on, William. You are stronger than this. Just man up." He spoke to himself, desperately trying to encourage himself to let his finger push the little bell on the side of the apartment complex. He felt like the bell was staring at him, laughing at him for being a coward and letting Noora leave. A deep breath followed, before he pushed the bell and waited anxiously until someone answered. After seconds of silence, Williams hope downed quickly. She wasn't there, or she knew he was here and didn't want to see him.

"Hello, who is there?" the voice of Eskild scared him and caused him to almost make a little jump. "It's William" he answered shortly, thinking it would suffice so the man would let him come up. "I'm sorry William, Noora's not home." Eskild spoke, but he didn't believe a thing of it. This was exactly how he expected this to go. He laughs softly as a response.

"Don't joke with me, Eskild. I know she is there, cause this happens every single time. Please don't do this. Not now."

"Okay, okay." Eskild gave in. "You can come up, but I will talk to you at the door."

Eskild buzzed him in, and William ran up the stairs to the door leading him to his Noora. Eskild was already waiting for him, leaning against the door dressed in grey sweats and a black T-shirt. William give him a slight smile.

"Hi, how is she doing?" he asked when he halted in front of Eskild. His hands buried inside the pockets of his black jeans, just so Eskild wouldn't be able to see the shakiness in his fingers that showed his nerves.

"Do you want the truth?" Eskild asked, eyebrow raised to enforce his question. "Of course I want the truth." William answered with a note of anger in his voice. "She wouldn't want me to tell you this. Hell, she wouldn't even want me talking to you. But, she is a mess."

William felt a pang in his chest. Noora was hurting and that made him only feel worse about the whole situation. "I really didn't want to hurt her. I didn't want her to go. But things got so hectic and, I wasn't realizing what was happening until I came home to find the apartment empty. I've never felt so bad."

Even Eskild could see that the boy was feeling bad about what happened. The tears burning in his eyes when he talked about Noora leaving him. It was obvious it had hurt William to the point where Eskild could say that William was an even greater mess than his roommate.

"I know William, I really do. But I'm not the person to who you have to explain yourself." Eskild apologized, because he knew that it might sound harsh. William raised his voice and stepped closer to Eskild, making big gestures with his hands. "Then let me in, and let me explain to her! Let me make this right!"

"To be honest, there is a lot going on in this house at the moment. A lot of drama, and I don't think this household can deal with a heavy reunion between you two. There have been so many tears, anger and guilt in the last days, that I hope you understand me when I tell you that this is not the moment. There has been a lot going on with Isak, and that is our main focus at the moment. It is a good distraction for Noora. The people in this house can't endure even more emotional stress. And I know it has nothing to do with you, but please do understand me. I think it is for the best if you go. I'll tell her you dropped by. But for the rest wait it out a bit, things will get fine again, I'm sure of it. "

Williams heart sank in his shoes hearing the words Eskild spoke. He knew things weren't going to be easy, but he hadn't count on something happing with Isak and stirring up the whole situation even more, sadly enough.

"Is Isak okay?" he asked softly, shuffling with his feet, because he didn't feel like Eskild wanted to talk to him any longer.

"He will also be fine, no worries William. And just so you know. I love Noorhelm to bits, but I also think she has a point now for leaving you in London. You have to give her some space, and patience. She has to trust you again like she did before. And at the moment she doesn't have an idea what kind of person you are, where you guys are as a couple and if she wants to give this another chance. You're back at the beginning, William. And you have to win her back. Sorry to say that, and sorry if it hurt you. But you brought a lot of happiness and love in her life and I owe it to you to be honest I think. Even though she wouldn't want me to be this honest. Cause you already know she would never be this open about her feelings. I don't want to lead you on, so you will be standing at this door 10 times a day and call her 110 times. For the record don't do that. She will freak out, get anxious and flee. The commitment will scare her away and don't think you will be getting another chance then. But please just go now, send her a text or something saying you're in town. But let her come to you. On her terms." Eskild finished talking.

"Thank you Eskild for taking care of her and being a good friend. Not only to her but also to Isak and even me. Thank you." William answered sincerely content of the information he had gotten. He hadn't talked to her, but he had learned a lot more relevant information that can help him to in her back. Now he only had to figure out how to exactly do that.

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