Part 5

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When Noora opened the door of the apartment, she was bombarded with questions of all sorts. She could only stand there gawking, feet frozen to the ground, and trying to take in the mess she called a home. Her roommates were running around like crazy, wild animals tackling her with questions and complaints about her not answering her phone. Eskild was of course on top of his game during this happy hour. She shuffled closer in the apartment, closing the door behind and considering the best way to handle tis absolute madness.

"Will you all just calm down?" She shouted with a stern voice, and watched as they all stilled down immediately, catching her with slight shock. Some of them resembled deers who had been caught in headlights. After a couple of seconds they all shook of their immediate shock and glanced her way. Eskild was the first one to take the lead. Grabbing her by her hand and dragging her to the couch, pushing her down with slight force.

"What happened? Are you back together? Was that text a joke? Where did you go? When are you seeing each other again?" He rambled while interpellating her with all sorts of questions. Not even 5 minutes after she asked them to calm down, Eskild was already acting like a bunny on batteries again. "Will you breathe?" She suggested before laying her hand on his shoulder, forcing him to simmer down. His breathing was accelerated and he seemed more nervous than Noora had been when she was waiting on William. Eskild breathed in and out slowly. He watched her intensely, waiting for her to at least give him an answer.

"We are not back together as a couple. We are going to take it slow. Trying to really connect with each other again. Building up the trust, and just having some fun. There will still be sad and difficult moments before we maybe get together, but we are just trying to make this work again. And I would appreciate it a lot if you give William and me the space to do so." She said, but let out an infuriating groan. "Who on earth even stalks someone's best friend asking if we are having sex?" She exclaimed, her voice going up a couple of notes near the end. Her head tilted to the side and eyes spread open widely to enforce her question.

Eskild started laughing, but stopped immediately when he saw the glare plastered on Noora's face. He held up his hands apologising. "I'm sorry for intruding. I'll let you guys figure it out on your on from now on." He replied sad. Noora felt a pang in her chest, scared that she had hurt his feelings by being so mad. He meant it the good way, just the externalization sucked a bit. "No that's not what I mean." she started of, quickly grabbing his hand, before he could run of to his room. "Just don't sent messages to Chris. That was kind of strange. He sat there thinking we both had gone nuts. I'm sorry, I should have explained myself different." She apologised, before hugging her friend close to her chest.

"Say I'm still you guru!" He protested. She heard Isak groan loudly: "Not again!" and threw him a strange look, not understanding why the youngster reacted like that. But she got pulled back to reality when Eskild started to fake cry. "Nobody appreciates me in this house!" he exclaimed theatrically before turning on his heel and making his way to his room. It was like everyone had the same idea, because before he could open the door, they all cried simultaneously: "You are my guru, Eskild!" Some with more enthusiasm than others, but the evident smile on Eskild's face could bring happiness to the whole world.

It was a bit later and Eskild, Linn an Noora were all slumped in the coach watching tv, while nibbling on some snacks and drinks. Evan and Isak were out, and from what Noora had heard they weren't coming back for the night. She scared up from the couch, when her ringtone started blaring through the small place. Waking them up from their tv session. She immediately gripped the phone from the table and picked up before even reading the caller ID. Surprisingly, she heard a lot of voices crying and screaming in the background. Noora looked at her phone, but she couldn't distinguish who has calling her, because the caller was not in her contacts.

"Hello?" She asked with hesitation, thinking maybe someone had butt called her. "Noora? Is that you?" She heard the faint voice of Chris Penetrator call. "Chris?" She said questioning in the phone, and per instance she received strange looks from her friends. Eskild paused the tv and leaned closer to Noora, eyebrows crunched in incomprehension "What is going on? What's with all the noise?" She asked. "Can I bring William to yours? Eva is here too. There happened something and we are too far away from my house." He spoke rapidly, and she wasn't able to completely understand everything he said because of the background noise. She didn't understand, couldn't Chris drive them to his house or something? If he was bringing an drunk of his ass William in her apartment, he'd better have a very good explanation. Noora couldn't think about something else going on than them being drunk. "Okay? But what happened? Why do you guys need to come here? Can't you go to your place?" She said, irritation clear in her voice. "Can't talk now, we will be there in a couple of minutes. Don't worry. Will explain when we get there!" He rambled on and before she could answer, he had already ended the call. Instantly a feeling of worry overwhelmed her, clouding her mind. Eskild laid his hand on her shoulder. "What's going on?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea, but it didn't sound good"

Good was an understatement to describe the situation. Only 5 minutes later she found the trio on her doorstep, looking like they had gone to war, except for Eva. She was crying and trying to support a bleeding, but barely conscious William, who was hanging between her and Chris. One look at William, and Noora cried out is name, followed by her almost fainting in the hallway. Her legs gave away rapidly, and Eskild cried out her name before running to her. Eskild and Chris were just on time to catch her, while Linn jumped up to catch William, because Eva could barely hold him, when Chris jumped up to catch Noora. "Should have seen that one coming." Chris sighed and helped Noora up and escorted her to the couch. Eva, Eskild and Linn tried to place William next to her, but this was close to impossible, because William was a stiff rag doll.

"What the hell happened?" Eskild shouted watching the three with big eyes. "A fight" Chris answered, which was evident from the black eye forming on his face. Noora cried: "a fight?" Her hands were all over William looking for visible injuries, but it seemed like it looked worse than it was. Blood ran over his face from a cut above his eyes, a black eye was forming an he had a split lip. For the rest, he seemed to be okay. She couldn't directly see any other injuries and it looked like he was slowly getting more awake.

On the other hand Eva was a sobbing mess, and Chris tended to her with sweet gestures. She melted in his embrace, and wrapped her hands strongly around his body. She resembled a toxic snake trying to kill his prey. She was desperate for some sort of comfort, that was clear. Noora had never seen her friend this distraught. "Is she hurt?" Eskild asked, while helping Noora with William. "Just shaken from seeing the fight I guess." Chris stated and held her close to his chest. "Are you okay, Chris?" Noora asked and observed his face and body for injuries. "I'm okay, William had the worst. I fucking told him to let it go, but he just couldn't." He called angry, annoyed and worried at the same time. It was like he couldn't decide on what he should feel. Mixed emotions clearly clouding him.

During all this William had stayed quiet, watching the people around him tend to each other. It didn't seem like he comprehended what was going on. He tried to speak up, but Noora shut him up just by glancing at him, and redirected her attention to Chris. She squeezed her eyes together watching him with a questioning look. "Yakuza's. They were going on about how William had gone soft because of you. They were saying all this gross stuff about him and you. I knew he would flip out, I would have done the same for someone I loved. Heck even I was freaking out when they said all that stuff. That is not a way to talk about someone. I tried to tear him away, but it was no use, he was so angry that I couldn't hold him back. He defended you like a true hero." Chris explained, watching her directly in the eyes. She had never seen him so serious. When he talked she saw the anger flash in his eyes. She didn't want to know what they had said about her if they even got Chris so worked up. She was beyond mad to hear that he had fought those assholes, just to protect her. But inner she could only smile, because she knew he did it because he loved her. Still it was not okay, fighting doesn't solve anything. But for now she didn't care, her first priority was to tend to his needs and to give him the comfort he needed.


Happy New Year! This part is a bit longer, but it will be the last one until 27 January. I have my first exam in a couple of days, and won't have time to write because of them. But I promise that I will upload once they are done, and if I have a small piece I'll try do teasers or something. You guys are amzing truly! Thanks for the immense support! Love, Nikki XX

Broken Pieces (Noora x William) SKAMWhere stories live. Discover now