Part 9

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Noora and William had been jumping around  for about 2 hours when they both fell down on one of the trampolines

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Noora and William had been jumping around for about 2 hours when they both fell down on one of the trampolines. "This was so much fun. We have to do this again." Noora sighed in content. William couldn't wipe the giant smile of his face. "Glad you liked it." She watched him with intense eyes, following all his movements. His hand slowly reached out to caress her cheek. She leaned in to his embrace, noses barely touching, lips only millimetres from each others. Both staring in each others eyes. She couldn't deny how content she felt right now. Her life felt complete. Like the missing piece was finally there. His lips hovered over hers, slightly touching. Making her want him even more. She longed for his touch, for his hands on her body. But they didn't take it that far. They kept teasing each other. Knowing the touch is near, but not really having it. It was an amazing feeling. Noora imagined that was possibly how it felt to be high on drugs. But now she was high on love.

"What do you say that we get dressed and we go to our spot. I'll stop for coffee or cacao on the way there?" William suggested, and Noora could only nod in approval. That sounded like a great idea, and a great end for this date. He jumped up and held out his hand to help Noora get up. The bounciness of the trampoline made her fall into his arms and he caught her just on time before she would bounce back to the floor. She giggled softly hands on his chest to stop her from falling. "Already falling for me again, Noora Amelie Saetre?" Noora smiled before leaning closer to him and pressing her lips on his. Tongue gliding slowly over his lips. William answered her kiss with passion and the both off them were soon tangled in a make-out session. Noora struggled to get away from him. "Let's get dressed and get out of here. Before they kick us out for not being PG13."


William took out a blanket of the back of the car and Noora made a squeaky noise. "I see you came prepared, Willhelm?" He looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Don't I always?" He questioned, before closing the car and taking Noora's hand. In the other hand she held the carton with two hot chocolates and a bag with two cupcakes. William wasn't able to go out the shop without taking them also. Noora smiled when the sat down on the wooden bench. She felt the safety it brought to her the last time they had been here. It had calmed her anxious feeling. And she was aware that she felt way more comfortable then she had been the last time. Her talk with Eva had cleared a lot of the thoughts clouding her mind, and it felt like she could finally see things clearly. He sat next to her, hand casually laying on her leg. She sipped from the cup before placing the drinks and food next to her. She felt like there would be some talking before they would consume the "very adorable cupcakes" as William had told her.

"I never said this to you before. But I feel like this is the moment to clear my thoughts to you. I have never been so close to someone as with you. And I didn't know what to do. Even now I feel like I have no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow. But I do know one thing. And that is that I'm unconditionally in love with you. I know we both mistakes. Me a little more then you, and I'm not saying it's okay. But I don't regret trying. If we didn't try we wouldn't be sitting here right now. I have felt like my heart just stopped after my parents left to London, and my brother changed in this manipulative asshole. And I felt like that for a really long time. It felt like nobody would ever love me for who I was, and I felt the need to be someone I was not. I tried to feel more alive by partying, getting drunk. But it didn't work for me. It felt like an act. Until I met you. I have never felt more alive since. You made me feel real things. I didn't have to fake it anymore. You brought me back alive and you me feel this genuine feeling of love an affection I have never felt before." William started off. He talked slow, thinking about how to word the things he wanted to say. Noora knew this was hard for him. Laying out his heart like that and opening up to her. But she knew that for her it was the same. She watched him with tears in her eyes. It touched her that he was being so honest and open. She had never imagined that she could feel so special.

"I feel the same way, and you know you are my home. I don't care where we are: London or Oslo. Even if we are homeless. I just care that we are together. I know that now, and I now I have been really rude and playing hard to get ever since I met you. But I was so scared to get hurt, to get my heart broken beyond repair. And I'm not scared anymore. We have to take the leap and see what the future brings. That is the only way of being together and exploring the world together hand in hand." She whispered softly. She had to stop multiple times, because she felt her throat closing, and every time William would squeeze her leg softly, encouraging her that it was okay. He felt bad because she was crying, and he didn't want her to be sad. But he also knew that she had to get it off her chest. It was very unusual for the both of them to be this open, and it wasn't certain that they would ever feel so confident to talk, so it felt like there only chance.

"It was the first time that I saw you." He began after she finished talking. She snuggled closer to him and he laid his arm over her shoulder holding her close and embracing the warmth. "I had never seen anything so perfect. I remember thinking I had to have you or I'd die. It felt so peaceful when you said you loved me. It was indescribable to know you loved me right back. And when you left me I felt this gawking whole in my chest, telling me something was missing. I had never felt so lost, without you. You know?" He stopped there for a moment, but Noora had the feeling like there was coming more. So she kept quiet, but kissed his cheek softly. His fingers made soft circles over her shoulder and it made her feel peaceful like this was the ideal moment for the both of them.

"I love you Noora. I just really love you. Because people need people, and we need to be together. And I haven't been more certain about this, then about anything in my life cause it is the truth."

"Using my own words against me?"

"I'll stop when you tell me you love me."

"Oh, I see we are back with blackmailing and manipulating, Willhelm?" she joked.

"I declare my love for her and she answers me with Willhelm." He sighed and she giggled softly. "Back again with the nickname?" He answered right back.

"I love you." She declared, before kissing him passionate. "But now I really want to eat those adorable cupcakes."

There at that moment true love had taken his shape. William and Noora had refound each other. And there was no way going back now. The future would shape them in individuals that complement each other perfectly. The future would bring great things for these two, that was certain

A/N: So the next chapter will be the epilogue. I'm very sorry if it seemed rushed. But for me it feels like it fits this relationship. They have been turning around each other a long time during the series and I have been bringing them close, and further from each other during these chapters. But it felt right to have them have a proper emotional talk. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I have been working on it the whole week on and off and changing stuff. But for me it feels like the best I can do now. If I had made this story longer, your chances on ever getting an ending would have slimmed quickly, cause with Uni I really don't have the time sorry. I want to thank you all for the support and maybe see you again in the future. Love, Nikki.

Broken Pieces (Noora x William) SKAMWhere stories live. Discover now