Part 8

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You up for a little date tomorrow?


Yes, what time?


Two in the afternoon?


Ok, just tell me where and I'll be there.


I'll pick you up. Bring gym clothes.


Okay, great. You better not take me to the fitness or I'll probably kill you.


It's okay. I'll die for a good cause.


You better be joking there, Willhelm.


Just trust me for once. See you tomorrow little monkey.


Little monkey? Now you're officially dead Magnusson.


Oeh I'm scared.


You better be. I'm a strong monkey. See you tomorrow. X


Yes, tomorrow. Xx

"If you are going to keep smiling at you're phone like that it might think it got a new owner." Eskild joked and sat down next to Noora on the couch in the living room. She looked at Eskild and held her head in a confused pose. "We are not used to seeing you this smiley. I suppose thing are going well with William?" He suggested. She nodded softly. "We're going on a date tomorrow." She said happily and if it were possible she would probably be shooting little hearts out of her eyes. Eskild coed like a little child rooting for his ship. "Where is your lovey dovey taking you on a romantic date, perhaps dinner at candle light?" Noora giggled at Eskild enthusiasm.

"Not quite. He told me to take gym clothes." Eskild's reaction said about everything, because he burst out laughing and pointing his index finger at Noora. "You training? Has this guy ever met you? Yes you can do the occasional sit up's and stuff. But you're not really the type to go to the gym every day. And sure as hell not as a date." Noora nodded in comprehension. "I know. I told him I'll kill him if he is taking me on a date to the gym." Eskild nodded in approval. "Good one, cat lady. Just tell me where we are burying the body and I'll assist you. Maybe I can even convince Linn to help us." "What do I need to help with?" Linn asked while walking in the living room and watching her two roommates. "We are killing William and burying his body. Because he is going to take Noora on a date to the gym." Noora had never seen Linn so excited. Het eyes light up in a very scary way. "I'm in. There is no bigger crime then a gym date."


Noora was waiting for William to arrive, with her little gym bad all packed. She couldn't ignore the nervous feeling running through her veins. She had no idea what to expect or where he was taking her. And honestly it scared her. Noora liked to now what she was getting herself into, knowing where she was going. She liked to have control, and that was the first thing she has to start giving up more.

She heard a car arriving followed by a horn of a car. This was her cue and she went down and immediately got in William's car. Well it was still Chris his car, but I suppose he let William use it again. The warmth embraced her when she sat in the car. "Hello." William casually said and kissed her cheek. She was a little humble about it all and started blushing on instant. She felt like this was her first date, but it wasn't. It just made her aware that she loved this guy a lot more then she wanted to admit. "Heey" she whispered. "Where are we going, and do I need to take a gun or something?" William laughed and glided his hand through his hair. "I'll think you should be fine. And no you have to wait till we're there."

Noora had been fumbling with her hands for the whole car ride, unable to calm down. They had been driving for about 15 minutes and it seemed like they were close to the location, judging from William's look. When she spotted where they were going she squeed in enthusiasm. "A trampoline park? I always wanted to do this." She yelled excited. William sighed in reassurance. "Glad I'm not getting killed today."

Broken Pieces (Noora x William) SKAMWhere stories live. Discover now