Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Surprise) POV- Kara:

I woke up to my phone buzzing annoyingly on the round table next to my bed. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, not wanting to look in the mirror across from my bed. For as long as I could remember, my naturally curly brown hair would always be poofed up into an afro each morning. I had no idea why my hair suddenly flipped out when I slept for long periods of time. It was so annoying. I put al these products into my hair to prevent the frizz, but I think it made it even more puffy. I stretched and entered my password to my phone, looking at my One Direction background. I flipped my iPod touch around, which had the Irish flag on it in the shape of a four leafed clover. I was pretty obsessed with One Direction, but only one particular guy caught my eye. It was the one and only Niall Horan. I flopped back on my bed, looking at the wall, which was completely covered with One Direction posters and quotes by them. "Hey, beautiful." I looked at Niall from where I was laying, staring at him upside-down. "Call me," I mouthed to him, making a phone shape with my hand and bringing it to my ear. Then I lost control and let loose a stream of giggles. God, I was so lonely sometimes. I got up off my bed and did some yoga, because it normally calmed me, and I really needed calming. Today was going to be a hectic day because today

my friends and I were leaving today to go to New York for the second round of the competition. Then, my phone started ringing to "What Makes You Beautiful" and I jumped up. "Oh Niall, you called! I new you would!" I scream, joking. Niall doesn't even know I exist, and even if he did, he wouldn't want to talk to me. I am just a boring, average 16-year old turning 17 in six weeks. I unlocked my phone, it had turned off, and saw that the text was from Madison.

She was texting me to "WAKE UP, GURL!"

I texted back, saying "I'm awake now :P" I put the phone back down on the table and walked over to my closet to pick out outfits for my trip to NYC with all the other contestants that "sounded better than a dying horse", as Jennifer stated. I changed out of my pjs and swapped then for a pair of black leggings, sandals, and a white lace poncho shirt with a white tank top underneath. After I brushed my hair and put on light makeup, I returned to my closet to fetch my pink suitcase. I pulled it out, grunting with the effort. It was in the very back of my closet. Figures. I unzipped it, and to my surprise, it was already packed. I smiled when I realized Mom packed it. There was a note on top of the pile of clothes. I picked it up, opening it.


I am giving medical treatment to a horse on some farm an hour away because it was urgent, and everybody in the vet office said I was the most experienced one for the job. I hope you have a wonderful time in New York City! Don't worry about Hannah, Lily and Matt, I scheduled a babysitter for them and she will be staying the whole time that I'm away. I gave you a little something for the trip because you know how I am. I also did some research on the hotel you'll be staying in to make sure it is safe, and it looks like that band, One Direction, will be staying at the same hotel as you and your friends.

Have a great three months in New York!


When I read that last line, I almost died. My first thought was Is she serious? Then I realized that my mom would never joke about things like that. I was about to zip up my suitcase, but then I remembered that Mom had mentioned a present, so I carefully rooted through my suitcase until I found what she was talking about. It was a small box with another note taped on it. This one said:

The rest is waiting in the garage.

I shook the box and the continents jingled. That could only mean one thing.


Hello everyone who is reading! I am AWFULLY SLOW at updating, even though I already have up to chapter 16 written down. I think that is my lazy side shining through. But, seriously, guys! How do you like my work so far? And what did you think Kara gets for the trip to NYC? I gave you TONS of hints! ;) And... I have NO IDEA how this "voting" thing works for stories, so can someone explain it to me? I only joined last month! :D thanks

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