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[In Ep. 8 (well the end of it) is where this fanfic shall start]

After the competition, Yurio went to a cafe to relax. Though Yakov disagreed, he gave in and let Yurio go.

He sat at a table by the window, hot coco on the table and phone in hand. He was scrolling through pictures Phichit had posted. He scoffed when he saw the pic of Viktor on Yuuri at the hot pot. Suddenly he heard a voice.

"Excuse me, is it alright if I sit here...?"

Yurio looked up to see a girl with (e/c) eyes and (h/L) (h/c) hair, which was in a (h/s).

'Please let it not be a fangirl,' Yurio thought.

"Sure..." Yurio looked back down at his phone. The girl nodded and sat down, pulling out a sketch book out from her bag. She then pulled out a pencil case and took out her pencil and eraser. Yurio glanced at her. 'Not a fangirl then...?'

"Oh um... is it alright if I... um... d-draw you..?" She asked nervously.

"Um... sure..." Yurio replied.

Her eyes lit up.

"Ah! Thank you! You don't need to stay still, you can keep um, doing your thing..."

Yurio nodded and did so. A few minutes passed and the girl decided to break the silence.

"Um... what's your name... sir?" She asked. Yuri was taken back a bit. How did she not know???

"Yuri... Yuri Plisetsky..."

She instantly stopped drawing and looked at Yuri, shocked and wide-eyed.

"Y-Yuri Plisetsky...?!"

Yurio nodded.

"I-I... it's an honor to meet you! How did I not realize?! I'm such a dummy! An air-head! Absent minded!" She exclaimed, but not too loud. Yuri found it a bit amusing.

"Well, what's your name?"

"A-ah! I'm (Y/n)! (Y/n) (Y/L/n)!"

"Nice to meet you (Y/n)."

"Y-you too!" (Y/n) was absolutely astounded and happy that she got to meet Yurio. "What are you doing here Yuri?" (Y/n) questioned.

"Decided to relax a bit, ya know? After the competition, I wanted something warm to drink..." Yuri responded.


"You watch figure skating?"

"Yes! I do! It's so graceful and just amazing. The way they glide across the ice is just... so... wow!" (Y/n) said with a little shine in her eyes.

"Heh, so... do you ice skate?" Yurio asked. (Y/n) gave out a nervous laugh.

"Heheh... sadly... no... but I like seeing others ice skate. Like you for example."

"Have you tried ice skating?"

"Yes I have..." (Y/n) started, "Once. And all that time I was clinging onto the wall, not letting go. Pushing myself along "ice skating". When I did let go I would fall on my bum!" A smirk tugged on Yurio's lips. He leaned to his right, laying his head in his hand.

"I see..."

"How do you balance?! And handle all those spins?! I would get extremely dizzy. Another reason why I can't really ice skate."

"Practice. Also, you don't need to spin to be able to ice skate," Yuri stated.

"I suppose, but... you know... a-anyways, I wasn't able to watch tonight's competition..."


"Um... technical difficulties..." (Y/n) smiled sheepishly.


"Uhm..." A silence fell upon the two for a bit. "How did you do?" (Y/n) asked.

"I did... okay..." Yuri responded, looking out the window.


"Couldn't beat the damn pig..." Yuri mumbled under his breath.



Yurio's phone began to ring.

"Ah hold on," Yuri got up and left the table, going outside to answer the phone. (Y/n) sat at the table, doodling and inwardly fangirling. A few minutes go by and Yuri comes back, a bit irritated. "I have to go," Yuri said. (Y/n) nodded, a bit sad that he had to go. Suddenly her sketch book is snatched out of her hands, along wither her pencil. She quickly looked up at Yurio, seeing him flip the page and scribble something down. He set it back down in front of her, took his hot coco and walked out of the cafe.

"E-eh...?!" (Y/n) said confused. She took her sketch book and looked at what he wrote:

'Call me sometime' - Along with his phone number.

"W-w-" (Y/n) blushed and quickly pulled out her phone, taking a picture and adding him to her contacts.


Nya~ That's all for now~ x3
I hope it's okay... >x<"

I've seen many fanfics of Yurio x Reader which are better than mine but meh *shrugs* thought I'd give it a go... :p

So yeah, hope you like it... Xp

[ P.S: "Traveling Through Dimensions" is on hold at the moment.... :p ]

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