It's Too Late For Me To Go Back

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It had been a month before I was able to get out of that bed. I was holding onto Gerard's hand as he helped me walk for what felt like the first time in years. It came back so quickly, too quickly. I got confident and ended up twisting my ankle. I slipped onto Gerard suddenly, but he caught me before I even realised I had fallen.
'Thanks...' I muttered just audibly. Gerard stared at me for a moment, his black locks hanging over his gentle hazel eyes. He pressed his thin lips together before speaking.
'That was my fault, I led you too quickly.' He apologised as I got back onto my sore feet. Without acknowledging his apology, I asked about Frank.
'Frankie has been missing for two weeks. He wouldn't tell anyone where he was going, the guy didn't sleep two days prior to his disappearance either. My guess is that he's gone insane with lack of sleep and is now on his worst binge yet.'
'What kind of binge?'
'A murderous one, dear (Y/n). By the way, Mikey would like to speak with you.'

I watched the tall, blonde Way brother as he leaned back in his large leather chair and explained what happened to me and why I was in his private medical centre.
'However, you killed one of the most wanted men among my organisation. In any other instance, I'd let you die. But, seeing as how you sacrificed yourself to protect Frank...I will supply you with the utmost respect I can.' He finished. I let my eye wander off of him for a moment, only to notice a fly whizzing around in the corner of the dimly lit office. Mikeys head shot towards the fly and he, quicker than lightning, pulled a pocket knife out and flicked it straight at the bug. He hit it dead on and the blade was then stuck in the wall, fly blood teasing the deadly metal. 'It's dead now. Pay attention to me, not it.'
'Sorry, sir...' I mumbled.
'It's fine, no need for an apology, I only made a demand. Now then, I have a proposal for you.' His words caught my attention and my eye shifted back over to gaze at him. 'Come work for me.'
'You heard me.'
'I...why me? I'm not smart and certainly not strong enough to kill people.' I questioned, my legs growing tired from standing. Mikey gestured towards the chair opposite of him, signalling that it was okay for me to sit. I did so, and listened closely to him.
'I was there when you killed someone for the first time. You stabbed all his vital organs in seven different places. You were smart enough to know when to attack and the best places to get him to win. You underestimated his ability to prepare but that's something you can work on. After you killed him, you fainted due to you losing too much blood. Keep in mind, that's after you spent two minutes killing the guy. You, my friend, are insane. You are a legitimate psycho.' He was visibly swooning over my apparent craziness I didn't even know I had.
'I am?'
'Well, not really but you get what I'm saying. Under pressure, you go mental and I could utilise that.' Mikey grinned, assuming I was some dog and would instantly take his offer. However, I declined.
'I'm sorry...I'm not a murderer.'
'That's funny, because you killed an Italian gang member. They're looking for you and right now you're in the one place they can't find you. If you accepted my offer, you could stay here as long as you wanted. We could kill all of them before the days end.' Mikey leaned forward in his chair, grinning proudly.
'Are you blackmailing me?'
'No, no, no. Only reminding you what the best option is.'

I kicked the door open, a woman screaming so loudly I could feel the vibrations from her throats through my jacket sleeve.
'Frank Iero! You bastard! Let her go!'
'I said-'
I pulled my gun from the front of my pants and held it to his wife's head. She quivered as I spoke. 'Come with me and she lives.'
I had burnt down four of Merlino Amarillo's storage houses and burnt down the house he lived in.
I was numb.
Merlino Amarillo was one of, if not, the biggest drug lord in Italy. He came to America once his suppliers ratted him out and now I had his wife's neck in my arm.
I clicked the safety off. 'Why did you send someone to kill me?'
'You were killing my men, I had to.'
'Your dog, Marco? He stole my belles' eye. She's in hospital.' I fired the gun, suddenly feeling blood leak through my sleeves.
'Arabela!' The bastard screamed, pulling out his gun. I pointed mine at the dead, pregnant woman on the ground.
'Did you know it takes less then ten minutes for a embryo to die once the vessel is killed?' I spoke coldly, emotionlessly. Merlino watched me for a moment, confused.
'What do you want?' He cried. I couldn't help but suddenly notice his black teeth and recreating hairline. I knew why the room stunk of cigarettes now. The man was morbidly obese, to the point where I knew those legs could barely hold him.
'Come with me.'

How far could I go with you? (Mafia! Frank x reader)Where stories live. Discover now