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The day went on painfully slow. Frank had to speak to four or five other people, each meeting going on for about an hour. By 4:00 I was so antsy that all I could do was shift in Franks lap and chew my nails in anticipation for the boring men leaving. '...and we need them by Thursday.'
'Okay, I can arrange that.' Frank was so focused on talking to the three old men all dressed in average suits that he tensed up when I pressed all my weight down onto his crotch. He quietly exhaled, trying his best to focus his business partners requests.
'Hurry up...I'm bored...' I mumbled into his ear. I couldn't help but notice how much he loved me acting like a child. I slid one of my hands up his chest and onto his neck, gently massaging his skin.
'...and that brings me to my next question, why are you running things? Where is the other man? Um, I apologise, what is his name?'
'It's-' I suddenly grazed my teeth over his neck, causing him to freeze and his breathing to hitch. 'I-It's Mikey...h-he's overseas at the moment...' Frank uh stuttered out. I subtly grinded
myself down on him, still gently nibbling his neck. 'I-If you'll excuse me gentleman, I think this meeting is over.' The three men stood up and nodded goodbye to Frank before exiting the room. The moment the door shut behind them, Frank grabbed my waist and slammed me down on Mikeys desk so hard I was almost winded. 'Naughty little girl, you know I'm working...'
'I wanted attention...'
'Well now you have my attention...' Frank moved his hand from my waist to the rim of my shorts. He trailed his fingers over my sensitive skin, listening as my whimpers became more musical by the second. He hooked his fingers around the rim and slowly slid them down my bare legs, taking in how wet I was for him already. 'S-See? All for you, Frankie...' I purred. Frank just stared as I
moved my own hand down, past my breasts, belly button and pelvis. I gently spread my legs out so Frank could see and ran my middle finger across my clit. I hummed gently, trying not to give away the fact that I was loving it more than I was supposed to.  Frank licked his lips before taking my wrist into his hand and leaning down until his nose tickled my pelvis. He lifted my hand and replaced it by running his tongue over my dripping heat in one long strip. I purred and shook under him as he repeated the process, sending raw pleasure throughout my whole body. I couldn't help but lift my legs over his shoulders and plant the back of my feet onto his back before pulling him closer.
My thighs tensed as he lifted his hand to me, experimentally massaging and rubbing different places, starting from my clit and working around it. I felt my throat become more raw from all the noise I was making, enough so that for a moment I had to close my mouth to regain myself. That moment didn't last very long as Frank slipped two of his fingers inside of me suddenly. I instinctively shut my eyes, only wanting to feel as I tilted my head back. I could feel the callouses on his fingers tease my insides as he wrapped his lips around my clit and gently tugged on it, sending more tiny jolts into me.
'I-I...F-Frankie I-I want more...p-please?' I barely managed to speak. My breath came short as I felt the index finger from his other hand trace the ring of my arsehole. It was unfamiliar but not bad. I cried out in the mix of pain and pleasure as I felt his index finger press into me, his hand and mouth still working away at me. I felt so full I could barely move. Frank curled his index finger up as my whole body began to convulse and shake, a pit in my stomach making itself known before manifesting into a wave of pleasure that made my moans and purrs become almost animalistic. I came onto his lips and hand before my whole body gave out and I went limp. I panted heavily, even letting out a small whimper as Frank pulled his fingers out. He gave me one last lick, tasting what he had done to me before wiping his hand.
'My beautiful little love being full, don't you? You love me filling you till you can't handle it.' Frank grinned evilly. I nodded as Frank slid me off of the desk and forced me to kneel in front of him. Without even thinking I leaned forward and tried desperately to undo his almost clean suit pants. He leaned over his desk and sharply exhaled the moment I yanked his pants and boxers down. His hard on sprung free, surprising me with how much attention it needed. 'I want your beautiful little lips around me, okay belle?'
'I don't know, it's too big.' I stared up at him, wondering if I should just go for it or what.
'That's okay, just do whatever you want honey...' Frank smiled happily at me. Even in such a lewd situation Frank managed to smile like I was his goddess. I leaned forward and ran my tongue along the underside of his cock, tasting sweat and precome as I reached the top. I herd Frank suddenly gasp as I attached my lips to him and slowly worked my way down until I had all of him in my mouth. I kept my hands around his thighs, clutching his skin gently as I tried my best not to gag on him. I loved it, the way Frank panted and moaned above me while I leaned back until his tip was against my lips again before slipping him back into my mouth. A small layer of spit coated him as I kept going, feeling more able to take all of him down my throat. I began to speed up until there was a knock at the door. I quickly hid under the desk as Frank tucked himself back in and sat down. 'C-Come in.' He cleared his throat. Someone entered the room and asked to speak to him about buying some things from him. Frank took a second, not sure of what to say until finally just agreeing and going through the standard talk about what happens if you don't pay or whatever. As he listened and responded to the person in the room I wheeled his chair forward until his knees were at my shoulders. I reached forward and let my fingers practically ripped the buttons on his pants off. I felt his hand reach down and push me away from him but I persisted and nipped his fingertips. He continued to talk as if nothing was wrong but under his desk he was fighting me. I finally pushed his hand away and tugged his black pants down to his ankles. I could hear him suddenly stutter and then quickly apologise for his nervousness. I dug my nails into his legs and dragged him to the edge of his seat so I could get closer. With a bit of shuffling I was finally able to mouth the outline of his dick and catch him off guard. When I did, he suddenly choked on his words. 
'Are you alright?' The person he was talking to asked.
'F-Fine...I-I'm a bit jittery today, too much coffee.' He lied.
'That's alright. Would you like me to come back tomorrow?'
'Yes please...' Frank was trying his best to keep his cool until finally, the man left the room. I suddenly yanked his boxers back off and took him back into my mouth, absolutely needing his he tasted. 'Fuck belle, you're killing me...' He groaned tilting his head back and letting out a loud moan. Frank reached down under his desk and tangled his fingers in my hair, dragging my head down his length. 'You're so warm belle...' I could feel his muscles tensing as  as I felt him hit the back of my throat. I could tell he was close and I soon felt a warm stream shoot into my   mouth. He slipped himself out of my mouth and tucked himself back into his pants before doing everything back up. I swallowed, knowing if I did he'd be proud and pet my head as usual. I panted heavily, missing his taste slightly. 'Thank you belle...I needed that.'
'Did I do well? Do I get pats?' I eagerly asked, climbing from the floor to his lap.
'Maybe...if you snuggle me during this last meeting you'll definitely get pats.'

How far could I go with you? (Mafia! Frank x reader)Where stories live. Discover now