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The last person Frank had talk to was a young girl, around 17 who was dressed in a short skirt, black heels and a white, baggy shirt that was lazily tucked in. Her skin was dark and she had a bites that littered everywhere from her neck to her ankle. The moment she entered, she frowned at the sight of me. 'Nice to see you again.' She grinned, trying not to stare at me.
'Likewise. What do you want?'
'What? I'm not allowed to say hi?' She sat on the edge of Mikeys desk and puffing out her curly brown hair.
'You were never the type to say hi.'
'Well I am now. Even after all these years you still think everyone has a motive, don't you?' She crossed her arms. I tried not to stare at her. She was gorgeous, two eyes, each with eyelashes long enough to hit her perfectly painted in eyebrows. Her eyes were a sickly brown that cut into my self esteem like butter.
'What do you think, (Y/n)? Does she have a motive?' Frank looked into my eye, my anger spilling out of my voice as I spoke.
'She's trying to take you from me.'
'Bravo.' The girl grinned. 'I came here to get my Frankie back.' Those words made me jump off of Franks lap and launch myself at her, knocking her off the desk and holding her to the ground. I held her neck tightly as I screamed.
'No one is taking my beautiful boy away from me!' I clenched my fingers around her throat. I suddenly felt her ram her fist into my cheek, so hard that I tumbled off of her. We both got up, her with red marks embedded on her dark brown skin and me with a red bruise on my cheek. 'I love him!'
'He loved me first! Get lost!'
'No!' I bolted towards her, ready to fight her until Frank stood up.
'(Y/n), come here please. Don't waste your time with Stephie.' I froze and obeyed him, slowly stepping away from her and back to Frank. 'Good girl. Now don't worry about her. I love you and only you. Stephie was just a temporary painkiller for my constant reminder of being alone. You've fixed me, I don't need her anymore yet she feels the need to ruin me.'
'Ruin you? You dragged me into this life and abandoned me!'
'You chose this! I didn't do anything! You could've left! Get out and never come back!' Frank screamed.
'I can't. My boss sent me here to help you with finding some rapists or something so I'm here to stay until that job is done.' Stephie stepped back and looked at me judging my. 'I'm just surprised that she was the best you could do. An angry little one-eyed, short tempered bitch.'
'No swearing!' I screamed. Frank gritted his teeth as I slipped my hand into his. I didn't realise at first, but I was shaking. My whole body was trembling at the sight of this ignorant women who had no idea who I was.
'How'd you even lose that eye, huh? Did you scoop it out just so Frank had an extra hole to fuck? Is that why he likes you?'
'Shush...' I muttered, tears building up in my eye.
'Did you take it out just for attention, you little whore?' Franks face began to scrunch up at her words. He looked like he was so angry he'd burst. 'Or maybe you were just born looking like an ugly little freak.'
'That's enough! You are not talking to (Y/n) like that! She got shot in the eye to save me and Mikey! I owe her my life and I will not allow you to say such horrible things about her!' Frank slammed his fist down on the desk, loud enough for both Stephie and I to flinch. 'You're here to find out who I have to kill! Go do your job!' My eye stung heavily as Stephie and Frank argued to the point where I had to excuse myself to see Gerard.

'Don't worry about her.' Gerard spoke as he lifted my medical eye patch and ran his gloved hand over the irritable skin.
'But she's so hellbent on taking him! I hate her!' I complained, the stinging in my eye worsening. 'She called me an ugly little freak! Do you know how that feels? I already hate myself! I know I'm fucking ugly but she just makes me hate myself more!'
'(Y/n), you're not ugly. She just says that to get into your head because since you cover your eye up she knows you're insecure about it. It was just a low blow. Trust me, Frank has extremely high standards and you're the first person I've met that meets all of them. Stephie was...she was obsessive. One of her personalities saw him and wouldn't let him go. He had to move countries just to lose her.' Gerard spoke comfortingly as tears were forcing their way to my eye.
'He said he just used her to make him forget about how lonely he was...what if he's doing that with me?'
'If that was the case he would've left you to die when you got shot. Instead, he carried you to his car and took you here where he screamed and cried for me to save you. He waited outside your room and only left to get his revenge.' Gerard opened a cabinet behind him and took out a few needles, vials and boxes of medication. As he opened one up, I replied with worry.
'But what if he goes to her? She's pretty...I've only caused trouble since he got me.'
'Trust me, he won't. She's...she's not for him. She followed Frank here and held a gun to Mikeys head just to get him to tell her where he is. Mikey broke her arm and told her to leave but then Frank walked into the room and she ran to him like nothing had happened. Frank held a knife to her throat and told her to leave him alone but she kept persisting. After a while he just gave up and started dating her. She killed anybody who looked at him and then he moved.' Gerard took the needle into his hand, connected it to the syringe and began filling it with the clear liquid that I only assumed was anaesthetic for my eye. 'We transferred her over to someone else and when it was over Frank came back here with you. It took months to get her away.'
'I'm gonna kill her.' I grumbled. Gerard casually approached me and gently pricked little parts of my eye and injected little drops of anaesthetic into each part. 'I'm gonna cut off each one of her limbs and put them in a present box for Frank.'
'Don' advice is to give up...she's a monster. She'll kill you.'
'I'm not lettin-' I was cut off my another sting.
'Calm down. Just let me finish, I'm almost done.' Gerard soothed. After a few seconds he removed the needle and took out another medical patch that was able to stick to my eye. It was more of a bandaid than anything. He wiped the droplets of blood off, placed it over my eye and took a step back to examine his work. 'Perfect. Listen, (Y/n), if you're going to kill Stephie I suggest you do it quickly and quietly. She's ruthless.'

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