Chapter 3: Hoshido

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I started to come to with a groan. " long was I out...?"
A voice I didn't expect to hear spoke up. "Ah, you're awake."
I suddenly sat up, shocked. The girl who was talking to me was the one from the Flame Tribe, which meant I probably wasn't in Castle Krakenburg. "Y-you! You're from the Flame Tribe...where...where are we?"
She sighed. "It's Rinkah. We're in a Flame Tribe village within Hoshidan territory. I'm going to hand you over to the authorities."
"H-huh? Why?! I...I haven't done anything wrong!"
Rinkah sighed. "You'll see. Come on. Your escort is here."

I saw Kaze, and he was waiting for us, and I sighed. "So, we meet again....Kaze?"
He nodded. "Indeed. I'm so glad that we were able to get you back, Princess Kai," he sad before he kneeled.
I gave him a very confused look. "Hold on, what? Am I missing something here?"
Kaze then got up. "Please, come with me. Everything will be explained."
I sighed. "Alright...I trust you..."


A bit later, we arrived at a Hoshidan castle known as Shirasagi, and we were in the throne room.
Kaze then kneeled before a man clad in red and white armor.
The man spoke up. Welcome back, Kaze. Great work."
Kaze nodded. "Thank you, Lord Ryoma."
I then looked at Ryoma in confusion. "Lord Ryoma? As in a prince of Hoshido?"
He nodded. "Exactly."
"Well," I said with a sigh, "if you're going to kill me, please get it over with."

Before anyone responded, a woman dressed in blue and white walked over to me. "I...I can't believe it's actually you..."
I gave her a look. "I'm we know each other?"
Sbe then smiled. "I've missed you so much! Come here, Kai, my sweet child!"
She then hugged me, and I freaked out. "Gyah! What...what are you talking about?!"

She then sighed. "Oh, Kai. It's such a sad story. When you were small, you were kidnapped by Nohrian forces. I am your mother, Mikoto. I never knew if I'd see you again..."
I shook my head. "That's impossible! King Garon is my father."
Ryoma crossed his arms. "I know this is a shock, but she is speaking the truth, for I am your elder brother, Ryoma."
I clenched my right fist, becoming somewhat frustrated. "No! Xander is my older brother! Leo, Elise and Camilla are my siblings..."
Ryoma sighed. "Are those the Nohrian royals? They're not your real family. I remember the day you were taken...there was no war between Nohr and Hoshido at the time. Not until King Garon lured King Sumeragi- our father- to Cheve for a 'peace conference'. His real plan was to kill our father in cold blood. And to make it worse, he...he kidnapped you."
I shook my head. "No...that's impossible..."
"You don't remember any of this? Not even one thing?"
I let out a drawn out sigh. No. Honestly, I only have the foggiest memories from my early childhood..."
Ryoma somewhat nodded in agreement. "Well, I wouldn't think the Nohrian royals would share your past. I know that this is a lot to take in..."

Just then, a samurai came up to us. "Lord Ryoma! I come with an urgent message. We are under attack from the north!"
Ryoma grit his teeth. "No no no...Hinoka and Sakura are currently in that area!"
The Hoshidan nodded. "Instead, milord. I have heard that they're currently working to help evacuate the villagers."
Ryoma briefly closed his eyes as he nodded. "Very well. We'll need to go and assist them. Kai, I want you to come with me so you can see the truth with your own eyes."
With a nod, I followed Ryoma out of the castle.


As we were walking, I looked at Ryoma. "So, um, how were you guys able to, ah, abduct me back?"
Ryoma sighed. "You see, Mother has the gift of prophecy. She foresaw that King Garon was goimg to somehow knock you out after you betrayed him, so we sent soldiers in advance so they could bring you back, with Kaze and Rinkah's help, of course."

A bit later, we arrived at a snowy mountain, and there were many monsters.
Ryoma sighed. "We need to get over to Hinoka and Sakura..."
I nodded, and we started to make our way over.

Once we got to them, I walked over to the older princess, who was mounted on a pegasus and from what Ryoma told me, her name was Hinoka. "Hey, are you okay?"
She nodded. "Yeah. Hey, who are you, by the way? I thought I knew my brother's troops, yet you don't look familiar..."
I awkwardly scratched my head. "Oh, I'm Kai."
Hinoka slightly gasped, and muttered something under her breath.
Sakura, the younger princess, spoke up. "Th-thank you for helping us. I have to ask...who are you?"
I smiled. "Oh, my name is-"
Hinoka cut me off as she walked over to me. "Her name is Kai.'
"Er, yes. Nice to meet you properly," I said in an awkward manner.
Hinoka then hugged me before breaking down into tears. "I-I've missed you so much, Kai..."
I suddenly became very uncomfortable. "Um..."
Ryoma chuckled a bit. "Hinoka was very attached to you when you were young, Kai. When you were kidnapped, she cried for months. Then one day, she stopped crying, and picked up the naginata. She vowed to bring you home one day, and here you are."

Hinoka eventually stopped crying, and wioed away her tears. "I'm sorry Kai. I usually don't cry, but I'm so happy to have you back," she said before grinning. "Heh. Take that, Nohrian scum! We won!"
Sakura looked at Hinoka. " that really Kai?"
Ryoma nodded. "Indeed it is, Sakura. I'll fill you in on the story later. We should head home before Nohr has a chance to deploy more of these monsters."
"What are these 'monsters'?" I asked Ryoma.
He sighed. "They're known as Faceless. Created by Nohrian mages."
Hinoka then spoke up. "I call 'em dead meat. They're the only thing Nohr can throw at us. Mother put up a magical barrier around Hoshido, and regular enemy soldiers lose the will to fight when they cross it. So as long as Mother can keep it up, Nohr can't invade Hoshido."


Some time later, I found myself outside of the castle, by a lake, and I sighed. "I can't stop thinking about Xander....or about the others..."
I then heard someone singing, and I turned my attention to them, and it was a blue-haired female.
"Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time. The path is yours to climb."
I then walked over to her. "Er, hello. Sorry that I'm bothering you. Just...something about that song captivated me.
She smiled. "Ah. You must be Princess Kai."
I nodded. "Indeed I am...and you are?"
She sighed. "I am Azura, a former princess of Nohr."
I crossed my arms, slightly confused. "Huh? I don't get it. I grew up with the royal family-"
She cut me off. "After you were taken by the Norhians, the Hoshidans retaliated, and tried to get you, but they got me instead."
I scratched my head, feeling awkward. "Gods...I'm so sorry..."
Azura shook her head. "No, it's fine. I may be a hostage, but I've been happy during my time here. I've been accepted as a Hoshidan. Even Queen Mikoto treats me as her daughter."
I sighed. "Does she...?"
Azura looked at me, slightly concerned. "Did something happen between you two?"
I shook my head. "Of course not. I...I just don't know what to do...I don't feel any connection to my blood siblings..."
"I understand. I'd probably feel the same if I returned to Nohr..."
"If given the choice, would you go back to Nohr?"
She shook her head. "No. Queen Mikoto is peace-loving, while King Garon is about what are you going to do?"
I shook my head. "I don't know...I need to spend time thinking about this..."

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