Chapter 15: An Unwanted Clash

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Sure enough, the next morning our ship docked in the port of Cyrkensia. From here on out, we would have to travel by land.
Camilla looked around and slightly gasped. "What happened here? Cyrkensia is in ruins!"
"It looks like a war zone, I said with a sigh."
Camilla shook her head. But this makes no sense..."
"Something must've changed while we were in Hoshido," I said before pausing, as I had heard something. "Huh? Did you hear that? Someone's coming!"
Just then, two males, one with orange ears and a tail, the other with black and white ears and a tail.
The one with orange fur spoke up first. " should all run away..."
The other one then spoke up. "I-it's not safe...get away while you can..."
Sakura gasped. "Wah! Th-they have...tails?"
Camilla sighed. "These poor creatures! Princess Sakura, could you please heal them?"
Sakura nodded. "Oh! Y-yes! I'll heal them right away!" she said before she went and healed them using her rod.
The one with the black fur spoke up. "Heh, my wounds are healing. I feel like a new person!"
The other one nodded in agreement. "Yeah! This is wonderful! I'll have to repay you one day," he said with a smile.
Sakura returned the smile. "Please don't worry- it was nothing."
Azura then looked at the two males. "How did you get hurt? The town is in ruins; were you part of the battle?"
The orange one shook his head. "Nope. We were just visiting. Things have been really strange. For no reason at all, areas of the town have just...fallen apart. This wasn't the result of any fighting!"
Azura shook her head. "That's impossible..."
The black one sighed. "It's the truth! Buildings started to crumble for no reason. We tried to help, but we were attacked by invisible forces of some kind."
Azura slightly gasped. "Invisible forces? That can only mean one thing..."
Takumi, who was scouting ahead, came back to us. "Everyone! We need to get moving! Ryoma and Xander are fighting on the outskirt of town."
I sighed. "Come on! We have to stop them!"
The black one shook his head. "Hold on. Who are you fighting for? It looks like both kingdoms, but that doesn't seem likely."
I shook my head. "No, you're right. We're from both kingdoms, but we're not sided with either one. We're trying to end this war."
He sighed. "In that case, can we join you?"
Takumi sighed as he stood next to me. "Are you sure about this? It's very dangerous."
He nodded. "Yeah. I don't usually travel with packs, but if you're ending this war, we should help, right Kaden?"
Kaden nodded. "Yep! We gotta repay these kind people!"
I smiled. "Thank you! Oh! I haven't introduced myself. My name is Kai."
Kaden smiled. "I'm Kaden. I'm from the most beautiful race in the world, the kitsune! I can transform into a giant fox if I use my beaststone."
The other one nodded. "And I'm Kaden, leader of a race known as the wolfskin. I transform into a wolf when I use my beaststone."
I nodded. "I see. Anyways, everyone, follow me. We need to stop this fighting!"

Once I spotted Ryoma and Xander, I stopped in my tracks. "Ryoma! Xander! Please, you need to stop fighting!"
Ryoma was obviously surprised to see me. "Kai?! I...I never thought I'd see you in a situation such as this, but I won't stop fighting! Nestra was neutral until Nohr decided to invade! I'm going to defeat these invaders, even if it's the last thing I do!"
Xander growled. "How dare you spit lies! You are the invader!"
I grit my teeth. "Why are you blaming each other for all this...?"
Azura sighed. "Kingdoms always twist things in their favor, but in this case...they're both right."
I gave her an odd look. "What do you mean?"
She closed her eyes. "Cyrkensia started to fall apart for no reason. However, we know of these...invisible forces."
I gasped, understanding what she was getting at. "Are you talking about-"
She cut me off. "Yes. But neither side knows to look for the real enemy. It's natural that they'd blame each other. However, I can see the one who is responsible. You can too, can't you, Kai?"
Before I could answer, Xander spoke up. "Pathetic Hoshidan scum. You use such cowardly tactics."
Ryoma growled, tightly gripping Raijinto. "Silence!"
I then inturrupted them. "Wait! You're both wrong! There are invisible enemies that are manipulating you to fight!"
Ryoma shook his head. "Seriously, Kai? Invisible foes?"
I slightly gripped the Yato. "I'm serious! Look near the plaza. You can make out a watery shadow. That is our true enemy!"
Xander shook his head. "But...I don't see-"
I cut him off. "Look harder! We have to fight them off if we want to save the town! Come on everyone, prepare for battle!"
It did take some time, but we were able to defeat our real enemy.

Xander glared at Ryoma. "This isn't over! We'll fight to the very last man!"
Ryoma sighed. "You won't see Hoshido waver! We'll fight until there's no one left!"
Azura looked between the two. "This is bad..."
I spoke up, clutched to Takumi, as my wound has reopened during battle. "Ryoma! Xander! Please stop...the real enemy has been defeated!"
Xander ignored me. "Retreat now, and admit defeat! We will never lose to you!"
Ryoma slightly growled. "This war will continue until we take our last breath!"
I slightly grunted, tightening my grip on Takumi. "Th-this can't be happening..."
Before I even had the chance to react, Azura began to sing.
"You are the ocean's grey waves..."
Xander grit his teeth. "Is this...a spell?"
Ryoma slightly gasped. "It can't be..."
Xander closed his eyes. "Ugh....gyah...what is this feeling..."
Ryoma sighed. "It's like I've lost the will to fight..."
Azura sighed. "Ryoma, Xander...the invisible forces that destroyed the town have been defeated. Do you still intend to fight?"
Ryoma closed his eyes. "This calm feeling...I can barely lift my sword..."
Xander shook his head. "I have to clear my head..."
With that, the two princes put some distance between each other.

I then went over to Xander. "Xander, my brother! Come to the suspension bridge at the Bottomless Canyon on the day the skies change above Hoshido and Nohr!"
He sighed. "That really isn't a compelling reason to walk into a possible Hoshidan trap."
I sighed. "I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you everything now. But you'll understand when you get there. I want us to fight on the same save the world together."
Xander shook his head. "You abandoned the family that raised you, Kai. I don't know if I can trust you."
He then went to leave, but I quickly spoke up, remembering something that I wanted to ask him. "Xander, wait! If you won't join me, at least answer a question for me."
With a sigh, he came back over to me. "Tch. Speak quickly- you are trying my patience."
I quickly took a moment to compose myself. "We met with the Archduke of Izumo. He said "Go meet the dragon'. Do you have any idea what he meant by that?"
He only let out a grunt before responding. "Why should I tell a traitor like you anything of value?"
I sighed. "Xander..."
Camilla reassuringly placed a hand on my shoulder, which caused Takumi to growl a bit. "I'm sure he'll come. We need to believe in him, okay?"
I nodded. "Right. Anyways, let's go talk to Ryoma."
With a nod, we went over to him.

Ryoma sighed when he saw me. "Ah, there you are, Kai. Azura and the others already filled me in on what you've done so far. I can't believe you're actually doing this, Kai."
I nodded. "Yeah...though I cannot tell you anymore about my motivations right now."
Ryoma slightly chuckled. "You really are asking for my trust, aren't you? You can't explain why, but you want me to follow?"
Takumi nodded. "Yes, brother. It may be absurd, but I have come to believe our sister."
The female who was with Ryoma laughed at me. "What a funny girl. The name's Scarlet. I'm part of an anti-Nohrian resistance group in Cheve. I joined up with Ryoma, and he's told me so much about you. Anyways, I'll follow you."
Ryoma gasped. "What?! Scarlet!"
Scarlet glared at him. "Have something to say, Ryoma? She's your sister. That's enough reason to trust her."
I smiled. "Thank you, Scarlet."
Ryoma shook his head. "Kai, I don't think I can quite-"
Scarlet cut him off. "Listen up, Kai. Ryoma and I are going to Castle Shirasagi. I'll lecture him on what's what on the way there."
Ryoma slightly growled. "Scarlet! That's enough!"
Sakura slightly giggled. "What's going on Ryoma? You're not your usual calm self."
Ryoma sighed. "Anyways, take care of yourselves. Oh, Takumi. Come with me for a minute."
With a nod, Takumi let Azura take his place with supporting me before going with Ryoma.
I didn't exactly see or hear what they were talking about, but it looked like Ryoma had handed Takumi a small box.
When they came back over, I spoke up as Takumi took Azura's place. "Oh! That reminds me. Do you know anything about dragons?"
Ryoma shook his head. "No, sorry. Why don't you go and ask the Rainbow Sage of Notre Sagesse? He should know something," he said before leaving with Scarlet.

Camilla smiled. "That's a great idea. People who visit him also receive a special power. King Sumeragi, King Garon, some unknown warrior, and even Xander have received his power!"
I smiled. "Alright, then let's go to Notre Sagesse!"

As we were walking out of the town, I looked at Takumi, who was still walking with me. "So, what did Ryoma give you?"
He sighed. "Nothing important."
"Yeah," he said with a sigh. "...well, at least not yet," he added on after a slight hesitation.
I sighed. Not knowing what was in the box was killing me.

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