Chapter 8: Branded as a Traitor

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Gunter looked at me. "Listen carefully, Kai. Fort Jinya is just ahead. It is well defended by Hoshidan soldiers."
I nodded. "I see. Well, let's try to reach out to them."
Gunter slightly shook his head. "Lady Kai, didn't you say you're a traitor? Those soldiers will probably attack you on sight."
Azura nodded in agreement. "Yes. You also cant forget about the curse."
I sighed. "I know. We still have to talk to them. Someone has to be willing to listen....alright, here goes nothing."
The four of us then walked up to the entrance of the fort.

I looked at the fort. "So...this is Fort it abandoned? I mean, I don't see any Hoshidan forces..." Just then, Yukimura appeared. "Ah! Yukimura!"
He glared at me. "You have some nerve showing your face here...Lady Traitor."
I slightly grit my teeth.
Yukimura continued on. "The same goes for you, Lady Azura. You were raised here, yet you had no trouble turning on us."
I then spoke up, slightly growling. "You're wrong! We...we haven't betrayed Hoshido. I'm not the enemy, and neither is Nohr! Please...just listen to me..."
"Silence! I won't let you justify your betrayal!" Yukimura said in retaliation.
I grit my teeth. "Yukimura..."
Gunter sighed. "We didn't expect this to be too easy. We should prepare for battle."
"Yukimura....just listen to us!" I cried out, desperate:
He crossed his arms. "I refuse to listen to your poisonous words. I wouldn't be surprised if you assisted in the capture of Lord Takumi! And on top of that, Lord Ryoma is missing..."
I slightly gasped. "What?! My brother's-"
Yukimura cut me off. "Brothers?! You are not a part of the royal family! Thanks to you...ill has befallen Hoshido's best."
I clenched my fist. "I...I'm sorry. I never meant for-"
He cut me off again. "I don't care about your apologies! I want you to atone for your crimes! Guards! Capture the traitors!"
I sighed wnd begrudgingly got ready for the fight. After some time, we were able to defeat Yukimura and his troops.

Yukimura looked at me. "I don't've beaten us, yet...we're still alive...why did you spare us?"
I sighed. "Look. There's no need to continue this senseless violence. I know how to end it, but I need your help."
Yukimura shook his head. "But helping you means turning against Hoshido...I don't believe you. How can I trust you if you've turned against everything I love?"
Orichi, who I learned was one of Mother's retainers, nodded in agreement. "Y-yeah! We'll...we'll only trust you if you can bring back Lady Mikoto!"
One of Ryoma's retainers, Saizo, spoke up. "Nnnngh...there's no other way...I must sacrifice my life to rid the land of these Nohrian fiends..."
Before I even had the time to react to what was happening, Saizo's body was engulfed in flames.
"I'll show you what true dedication and loyalty is!"
Gunter then reached his arm out, as if herding us back. "Get back! He intends to sacrifice himself!"
I tightly gripped Yato. "Saizo, stop!"
He ignored me. "I believe in Hoshido...even if it must give my life, I will stop you! Rrrraaagh!"
Just then, Kaze and Sakura ran over, and Kaze spoke up. "No, Brother! You're wrong!"
Sakura then spoke up. "P-please, Saizo, d-don't hurt my sister!"
Saizo slightly growled. "Why are you interfering? They deserve this fate. They're abandoned Hoshido!"
Kaze then took a defensive stance in front of me. "Brother, you mustn't be rash! Lady Kai is trustworthy! When I was a prisoner in Nohr, it was because of her actions that I lived, and we were able to kidnap her."
Sakura nodded in agreement. "L-look! During this battle, she didn't kill a single defender! D-doesn't that show that she hasn't betrayed Hoshido? P-please...listen to her..."
Saizo slightly growled, but the flames surrounding his body subsided.
Kaze sighed. "Thank you, brother."
Saizo crossed his arms. "This doesn't mean that I trust her, but I will listen to what she has to say."
I slightly smiled. "Thank you, Saizo. Anyways, our real enemy isn't in Nohr or Hoshido, but lies elsewhere. The explosion in Hoshido...the death of my mother...they weren't set in motion by King Garon. Somewhere else, a powerful and ambitious force is manipulating all of us."
Saizo sighed. "...that's it? Just some enemy we've never heard of is responsible for all this? So why don't you educate us- who is this mysterious enemy?"
I slightly grit my teeth. "I can only say that a day will come when the skies above Nohr and Hoshido switch colors. If you need proof that what I'm saying is true, meet me at the Bottomless Canyon on that day."
Saizo just gave me a look. "What? Do you take us for fools?"
I shook my head. "Of course not. I just...I'm sorry, but I can't say any more."

Yukimura sighed. "Well then. It seems that this was a complete waste of time. Now, away with you."
Before I could react, Sakura walked up next to me. "W-wait! Sister!"
I looked at her. "Hm? What is it Sakura?"
She slightly hesitated. "U-um...please take me with y-you! I'm not good at fighting, but I'm sure I can find a way to help!"
Yukimura was clearly surprised. "Lady Sakura! Why are you-"
She cut him off. "I'm sorry, Yukimura, but...I-I believe that Kai is telling the truth. I...I can tell by the look in her eyes...she isn't trying to trick us."
He shook his head. "Lady Sakura I...I didn't expect this...but I can tell you've made up your mind. I won't stop you, but careful."
Sakura slightly smiled. "Th-thank you, Yukimura."
Kaze sighed. "Brother. I wish to accompany Lady Kai on her mission."
Saizo sighed. "If you are set on that course, you may do as you wish."
Kaze nodded. "I am."
I then turned my attention to both Kaze and Sakura. "Thank you, both of you. Thank you for believing in me. Let's head to our next destination.'
With a nod, our group began to head out.

A bit later, I arrived at the lake where I first met Azura. "This lake..."
Sakura looked at me. "Hm? Is something wrong, Kai?"
I then instinctively crossed my arms. "This's where I first met Azura...and so much has happened since then..."
I sighed. "I'm sorry, Sakura...there's so much I want to tell you, but I can't. At least not here."
Sakura smiled. "I-it's alright, Kai..."Sakura then walked a bit closer to me. "U-uh...thank you for letting me join you. I, uh, missed you," she said as she slightly blushes and bowed. "I-I'm hope I can help," she said with a smile.

I then looked around. " you hear that? Is something coming this way? Wait, what the hell? Is that a pegasus?! I-it's heading straight at us!"
Sakura then ducked. "Ahh! P-protect me, Kai!"
I gently wrapped her arms around her, and to my relief, the pegasus landed next to us, and I saw that a male and female were riding it.
The male spoke up. "Phew, we finally caught up with you, milady."
Sakura was slightly surprised. "H-huh? S-Subaki?!"
The female spoke up as she dismounted the pegasus. "Oh, Lady Sakura...did you even realize that you'd left us behind?" She then crossed her arms. "How could you?!"
Sakura spoke up again. "Hana! Why are the two of you-"
Hana sighed, cutting her off. "Yukimura told us that you'd left with Lady Kai."
Sakura slightly nodded. "O-oh...Yukimura knew that I would need you..."
Hana slightly giggled. "Even if Yukimura hadn't told us, we would've eventually found you."
Subaki nodded. "Indeed. It is our duty to protect you, milady, and nothing will stop us! We will go anywhere with you, and we will support you."
Sakura smiled. "Thank you very much!"
I slightly scratched my head, confused. "Um....Sakura who are these people?"
"O-oh! I'm sorry, Kai! These are my retainers, Hana and Subaki," Sakura said with a smile.
I nodded. "I see. We'll need all the help we can get. Thanks."
Subaki nodded. "Of course. We'll carry out any mission flawlessly."
Hana sighed. "Lady Sakura is my top priority, but I'll do my best to help!"

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