Chapter 1:A Weird Feeling

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Shadow Freddy's POV

I was sitting in the Parts and Service room when all of a sudden I heard one of the toys ask for a new shadow. A toy shadow.
"What's wrong with me?" I questioned myself.
"I mean, I'm as good as anyone around here. Why should I be replaced!"
"You idiot don't you see its perfect for you to actually take down someone!"
I heard a growled voice from behind me. I already knew who it was.
"Hey boss." I said to my original version of me.
"Shut up! Just listen to me alright and when I come you don't say anything got it!" Withered Freddy demanded me.
I stayed quiet not knowing if I should speak or not.
"I said...GOT IT!"
"You told me to not say anything."
I wish I kept my mouth shut, as soon as I knew it I was on the ground bleeding from my nose.
"Get your little smart ass attitude with me again this time my whole crew will do something about you! You should be bowing down to me cause I'm the one that gave you a life, no one else did, so you're actually nothing but a shadow. MY shadow."
He then left but I was bleeding so much I was feeling dizzy. Why does he always treat me different. I was thinking for a bit until I got up to wipe the blood from my face.
~An hour later~
I was walking by when I saw the toys gathering around Goldie as if seeing something. Who knows maybe it was the new shadow. I wonder how he looks like..maybe he's cute or has a sweet attitude..what am I saying! There is no way in the whole wide world that I'm gay. I was feeling so weird. Maybe I'm not gay.....or maybe I am.

FNAF: Shadow Freddy x Shadow BonnieWhere stories live. Discover now