Chapter 8:The Truth In Bed

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Shadow Freddy's POV

I then felt like if I was laying down on a bed. I woke up to see Shadow Bonnie snuggling up against my side. Which made me get hard and blush at the same time.
"Hey your finally awake sleepy head." I heard him say sweetly.
"You feeling okay Shadow Freddy ? Cause if you don't I can massage you anywhere you like." My eyes went wide as I heard Shadow Bonnie seductively said in my ear. He then started nipping at my ear.
"S-Shadow B-Bonnie, what are y-you doing?" I felt like I was going to smack him, but I held myself back.
"Playing around silly. Don't you wanna 'play'." I then noticed how Shadow Bonnie said play. He had did quotation marks with his fingers when he said play.
"To bad. Cause Mr. Happy down here isn't saying no."
I then saw what he was pointing at. He was pointing at my member as I got excited.
"Shadow Bonnie I want to tell you how I feel personally, not sexually. So please listen and not get me excited anymore."
"Sorry I guess I'm sort of curious on how I feel about you. I thought this was a way to express it. Sorry."
"It's okay, but Shadow Bonnie ever since you were new here I felt like my mind went blank. I really started to have feelings for you and I guess what I'm trying to say is that.......I love you."
I was blushing really hard and so was he.
"I...I love you too, Shadow Freddy."
After he confessed and I did as well I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into a kiss.
Shadow Bonnie was enjoying it and so was I. Then we parted to get air.
"You know we still have time to mess around before the others find us." Shadow Bonnie was feeling also excited so I agreed.
"Alright, but once we do this you can't have your virginity back."
Soon I started to kiss his neck and started unbuckling my pants. Let's just say it was a night to remember.

Shadow Bonnie's POV

I woke up in the morning feeling someone laying down next to me. It was Shadow Freddy. He was naked for it had seemed, but how naked was he?
"Hey sleepy head your awake."
"Yeah did we...."
"Hey your the one that was being seductive not me."
"Yeah, yeah. I know. We have to get ready for work you know."
" I know, here let me help you up."
"No problem. Hey so we're boyfriends huh?"
"Yeah, but I'm glad I'm with you."
"I'm glad as well. I'll see you later."
We then kissed and went back to our territories.
"So Shadow Bonnie tell us everything." My boss said with a grin on his face. The others were all gathered up to hear.
"Okay I'll tell....."

Shadow Freddy's POV

I was glad to hear that me and Shadow Bonnie are now boyfriends. For so long I wanted to be with him and now I am.
"You got some explain to do matey." I turned around to see my team grinning at me.
"Alright guys I'll tell you...."

FNAF: Shadow Freddy x Shadow BonnieWhere stories live. Discover now