Chapter 3: A Great Surprise

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Shadow Freddy's POV

I was sitting in a corner on the floor, but something inside me was feeling...I didn't know but it was a feeling I didn't understand. I was by myself that's all I know... WAIT was I? As soon as knew it there was footsteps coming. I got into a position to attack whoever was coming.

Shadow Bonnie's POV

I was walking somewhere, somewhere dark I was pretty scared if you mentioned it until somebody pounced on me. I was frightened I didn't know who it was, but the person had a strong grip. I wanted to scream out for help, but as soon as you knew it I was put into a choke hold. Whoever it was...I wasn't going anywhere. I started to feel like fainting, but I kept on moving around trying to get out of this person's hold. No luck.

Shadow Freddy's POV

"P-please let go of me. I'm new around here I'm..I'm......s-sorry."
That was all I could hear. I put the person down on the floor and pinned the person there.
"Who are you and why are you in Withered Territory!?"
"I'm... S-Shadow Bonnie. I didn't know this placed was marked. I was so stupid, maybe I should've asked who was coming. Anyway I couldn't tell if the new shadow was a boy or a girl. I was confused.
"Are you a boy or girl, cause I can't tell. Well first of all I'm very sorry for doing this to you. I guess I'm afraid of certain people around here."
"I'm a boy and why are you scared of others. I've already meet some people around here that were pretty nice. Oh and you don't have to be sorry, you were protecting your territory."
The kid was sweet, but it be even sweeter if I knew what he looked like.
"Can I show you to my room? If you want we'll talk about the stuff you don't know about this place or other things."
"I'd like that. By the way what's your name anyway?
"Shadow Freddy."
To my surprise the kid was nice to me. By the way if your confused on why I called him kid, its because I'm 17 years old. To me I'm an adult. I wonder how old he is. I'll just have to ask him.

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