Chapter 6:Feelings For Him

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Shadow Freddy's POV

I didn't exactly know what my 'friends' were talking about. A shiver went down my spine as I heard what they were saying.
"Ha, I bet you one of those stupid toys are gonna come down here and try to confront us." Withered Bonnie scolded gleefully.
"I'm glad we finally did something to the last one." Withered Chica was the most happy. She always wanted to be the only girl around the damn place.
"You did good my teammates. Very good, all that means is we need to take down someone else." Withered Freddy's voice sounded sinisterly.
"Who would that be matey?" Withered Foxy questioned him.
"....... Shadow Bonnie ......"
I couldn't believe it, they were going to take down my friend. I have to go warn him.

Shadow Bonnie's POV

I was heading my way for Withered Territory when I heard someone say something.
"What are you doing? Do you that place is forbidden?"
It was Bon-Bon, he had a worried look on his face.
"No, you guys never told me about any of this stuff. So how am I supposed to know?"
"Maybe I should get the others if you're gonna go in there then, we all will. Your our friend."
I smiled as Bon-Bon left to get the others.
~An hour later~
"So we're finally going to stand up to those bastards." Toy Chica said with anger. I guess none them would ever forgive on what the withereds did. I wouldn't.
"Do you know where they are Shadow Bonnie?" Toy Freddy had asked me. I guess I was the only one that could see in the dark. Oh and Shadow Freddy .
"I can only see one person.....heading right toward us."
"Get in your fighting position guys." Toy Freddy demanded us.
I wonder who it is I thought while getting ready. Is it Shadow Freddy!

Shadow Freddy's POV

I couldn't help but feel as if I wasn't alone. Then as I got a little more closer to Toy Territory I was jumped by a whole bunch of people. Two were pinning my legs an two were on my arms holding me down to the ground. I saw someone standing in front of was Shadow Bonnie!
"What are you doing? Let me go!" I demanded
"Guys let him go, I know him!" I heard Shadow Bonnie say.
"" Toy Freddy said struggling to keep me down.
"I'm serious guys let..him..go!!!"
With that Shadow Bonnie punched Toy Freddy and soon he was on the ground. All the toys dashed toward their boss and checked if he was okay
"Are you okay Shadow Freddy." Shadow Bonnie's voice sounded shaky as if he was going to cry.
"Yes I'm okay.....and you." I had a bright blush on my face, but you could hardly tell.
"Yes I'm okay."
"What the hell Shadow Bonnie! Why are you caring for this.....this..." I could tell his boss was pissed off at Shadow Bonnie.
"This what?"
"IMBECILE!!!!" They all shouted at him.
"He's not an imbecile, he's my friend and I care for him."
Everyone soon gasped, even I did. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Y-you mean i-it?" I stuttered as well as blushing.
"Of course I do. I...I..."
Soon Shadow Bonnie was cutoff by my bosses yelling.
"What the hell are they doing in our territory!! Leave now you pathetic toys." Withered Freddy demanded all of them.
"You...your the little shadow we're after." Withered Bonnie scolded at Shadow Bonnie.
"You can't hurt him!"
"Move aside matey or you'll be getting what ye deserve!
"No, none of you guys are going to come near him. Not even his friends."
Everyone was surprised on what I said, but I meant it.
"Oh an why can't we go near the shadow, hmmm?" Withered Chica was a bitch she always new how to make me confess.
"Because....because..I have....feelings for him."
The room went silent until my boss spoke.
"You...what." He said through gritted teeth.
"I have feelings for him."
"That's it, I had said my gang will beat you and we will. Fighting ready!!!"

Shadow Bonnie's POV

I couldn't believe it. Shadow Freddy confessed what he felt. I wish I could do the same, but now we're going to die.

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