Chapter 4:A New Friend

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Shadow Freddy's POV

We headed to my room where I guided him to sit down on my bed. It was pretty dark, so he couldn't see where he was going.
"Just make yourself comfortable here while I'll try to find the light switch, okay."
I told him so in case he won't think I'm leaving him.
As I was trying to find the light switch I accidentally tripped over something. As soon as I fell I ended up on top of Shadow Bonnie.
"I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. I thought you were sitting on the bed like I told you to!
I was so angry at him I just wanted to hit him.
"I was scared I-I. I didn't know where you were so I tried to find you I'm sorry."
"I had told you I was gonna find the light switch! I wasn't going anywhere! Gosh!
"I said I was sorry. Not my fault that I think your leaving me, I just didn't want you to get hurt."
Shadow Bonnie's attitude was nice. He didn't even yell at me, I guess I was being harsh on him.
"No it's not you fault. I was being an asshole okay. I'm sorry, friends."
We then shook hands to embrace our friendship .
I couldn't believe that I made a friend with a toy, well a toy shadow. Here I thought I was going to be replaced, but I wasn't.  Now I finally have a new friend to share everything with.
Shadow Bonnie's POV

I was still sitting on his bed. The lights were finally on and he didn't look that bad. He looked kinda......cute. Wah! What am I saying, I'm not gay.
"So may I ask, I know your knew around here, but how old are you?"
"Oh I really don't know, but I heard Marionette tell me all my information to Goldie and he said I'm 15. How about you?"
"Oh me, I'm 17."
"You know sometimes I not sure what to do, I mean like work wise."
"Well what do you want to do around here?"
Shadow Freddy was nice after he did attack me and yelled at me, but he treated me sort of different it seems.
"I guess I don't really know." I said rubbing my eyes.
"You look sleepy. You know if you want you can sleep with me in here. Would you like that?"
I nodded my head and crawled in the spot he left for me.
"First, I have to get into my pajamas."
"Your not a kid you know."
"I know that."
I was getting into my 'pajamas' when I noticed Shadow Freddy watching. My 'pajamas' were only my boxers, I was very surprised to see how muscular I was.
"Those are your pajamas?"
"Aright if you get cold don't complain to me."
After that we got in bed. I couldn't swore he was cuddling next to me, his arm was around my waist and he kept hugging me tighter.
"Um Shadow Freddy."
"You know if you wanted to cuddle with me you should've just said so."
"Heh okay, thanks."
"Don't mention it."

Shadow Freddy's POV

It was a great night I mean, Shadow Bonnie didn't seem to care if I cuddled next to him or not. It was surprising, but I think I'm starting to like......him. No, no can't be you know the rules, it is forbidden for a withered to like a toy and a toy to like a withered.
.......I wish that rule was broken.

FNAF: Shadow Freddy x Shadow BonnieWhere stories live. Discover now