Chater 7:The Fight

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Shadow Bonnie's POV

I was getting ready to fight back, but I couldn't find the courage. Soon the toys were fighting their withereds. While I tried to find a way to jump them. All I knew was that I was in a corner trying to forget everything.
"What's wrong?" A concerned voice asked me. I was wondering who it was until I adjusted my eyes and saw that it was Shadow Freddy.
"N-nothing." I said trying to hide my blush.
"Come on something is wrong with you. Tell me, please." Shadow Freddy had begged, but before I could tell him I saw Bon-Bon on the floor. It seemed like he was knocked out....was he?
"I..I told y-you c-can't b-beat m-me." Withered Bonnie's words started slowing down. That's when I saw that he was bleeding from his side. He then took out a metal pipe out from it. I guess Bon-Bon defended himself before he got knocked out.
"It's not safe here! I'll take you to my room and I'll protect you!" Shadow Freddy's voice sounded concerning.
"I'm not going anywhere without my friends. I'll be fine."

Shadow Freddy's POV

"You must be out of your mind to think you're staying. Come on." I said to him with fear.
"No, your friends need to pay for what they did. So I'm not going.... ANYWHERE!!!!!" He screamed at me, but I couldn't blame him. If he wants to save his friends then I'm doing the same.
"Alright, but don't ever call those bastards my friends. I'll help save your friends."
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it."
Soon Toy Chica was down and Withered Chica, so was Withered Foxy and Mangle. I couldn't believe she fought, she's just a kid. The only people standing were my boss, Toy Freddy, Shadow Bonnie, and me. This was good until my boss gave a great punch to Toy Freddy's face and Toy Freddy was down.
"Now...all that'" Withered Freddy was not down yet. Even with a bite to the neck he was find.
"Don't hurt him. Please I was the one going to tell them you guys were coming. He doesn't have anything to do with this so please.....leave him alone." I was crying I didn't want Shadow Bonnie to get hurt.
"Awww I'm sorry about that....NOT!!!"
With that he punched me in the face, stomach, and and my private area. I was on the floor on how much pain I was in.
"Now little bunny. Where are you?"

Shadow Bonnie's POV

I was hiding and crying at the same time. This is all your fault, I thought to myself. Everyone's in pain because of you.
"Come out, come out wherever you are. I just wanna be friends."
That voice was none other than Shadow Freddy's boss. I was frightened, did Shadow Freddy get beat.
"You have 10 seconds to come out or your little boyfriend gets it." He sounded serious. Wait! Boyfriend! I didn't even know how to feel around him and he's calling him my boyfriend!
He meant it I had to do something, but what?
"6..7..8..9...I'm almost done and..."
WAIT!!! Why do you want to hurt me? What did I do to you?"
"Oh your gonna give me that! Look I don't need none of my followers to be in love. So I get rid of who they love......especially if it's a toy. Love will only get in the way."
"How do you know what love is? I mean have you ever been kissed ?" I questioned getting closer to him.
"N-no." He stuttered as I was getting a little closer to him, he even stumbled over Bon-Bon.
"Then how do you now how it feels." I then leaned closer to his face....almost there.

Shadow Freddy's POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. I guess I will never be loved. Soon I closed my eyes wishing it was a dream the suddenly I heard a big whack. I then saw Shadow Bonnie standing and my boss down.
"If you EVER mess with ME or my FRIENDS, next time I WONT be nice!!!!!" I heard Shadow Bonnie say to Withered Freddy and he did deserve that. I guess the fight is over. I then drifted off to sleep not knowing what happened next.

Shadow Bonnie's POV

I then saw him fall asleep and the others were still awake. I then went to find Marionette and B-B to help me with the others. I told them I'll 'take care' of Shadow Freddy.

FNAF: Shadow Freddy x Shadow BonnieWhere stories live. Discover now