Chapter 5:A Bad Day

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Shadow Bonnie's POV

I was walking until I heard crying from Kids Cove. It was mangle she didn't have Endo with her I was worried.
"Mangle what's wrong.....where's Endo?"
That's when I realized that Mangle was bleeding from her neck. The same spot where Endo was.
"I-I was walking w-when the w-withereds jumped m-me. I was k-knocked out, t-then I woke u-up to see t-them pinning m-me to the g-ground. Then Withered Foxy came and...and....."
"And what Mangle, what did this Withered Foxy do?"
It was silent for a sec, but Mangle started bursting out into tears, holding her neck.
"HE TORE OFF ENDO!!!!!!!!"
I was shocked on what this asshole did. Endo was really Mangle's best friend. She kept on sobbing until I picked her up and took her to the Prize Corner.
"Hey Marionette got a sec."
"What happened to Mangle? I know that one of the withered ones did this, bit my question is which one?"
"I may not know these savages, but someone named Withered Foxy did this to her."
Marionette walked up and grabbed Mangle out of my hands. Then lied her down on top of his music box.
"I'll heal her, don't worry Shadow Bonnie."
I was silent. I was to angry about this. When Marionette was healing Mangle I went to find this jerk and I knew where he could be.....
In Withered Territory....
This was really a bad day.

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