Chapter 2: The Reunion

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-Back at the guild-

The guild doors fly open with such force it causes the once boisterous hall to fall silent as the scarlet haired mage makes herself known.

"Hey Erza!" Mira says smiling. "How did the mission go?"

"Fine. Nothing I can't handle." Erza shrugged as she took a seat at the counter.

"That's good to hear." Mira smiled as she asked Erza if she wanted her usual order, "How about some cake?"

Erza's eyes widened as she beamed up at Mira, slowly nodding as she watched her get a plate and place a generous slice of strawberry cake on it. Erza, not wanting to wait any longer, eagerly grabs the fork Mira gives to her and digs in, stopping for nothing while she devoured her dessert.

Mira giggled while watching her friend attack the cake. "Hey, Erza..."

"Yeah?" She said with her mouth full of cake, paying no attention to the crumbs that escaped her mouth as she spoke.

"Earlier last week, while you were out on your mission, another mage joined our guild." Mira said.

"Really?" Erza replied, pretending to sound interested as she blissfully ate her cake.

"Yes, in fact, she's a celestial mage. Her name is Lucy Heartfilia."

Erza's eyes widened in shock as she almost choked on a bite of cake she had just placed in her mouth when Mira told her who the new member of the guild was.

"LUCY?!... HEARTFILIA?! Mira, tell me, is she blonde with brown eyes, like the color of chocolate?!" She said with her voice raised in anticipation of Mira's answer.

Mira looking surprised after hearing Erza's description of the new member's eyes. "Yes.... do you know her?" She asked as her surprised face slowly turned into one with a slight grin. She was in matchmaking mode.

Erza felt her face grow hot as she realized what Mira was thinking. "It's not like that!"

Feeling her palms getting sweaty in panic of Mira's thoughts. "Lucy and I were close friends."


"Ready? Let's go." Erza said as she took hold of Lucy's hand.

As they made their way with a group of other people trying to escape, they were caught be some guards and were forced to run to the boats.

As they climbed into on the boats at the dock, Erza turned to Lucy. "No matter what, Lucy, we can't get separated." Erza said squeezing Lucy's hand tightly.

Lucy nodded silently in response and they tried to paddle as fast as they could.

As they continued paddling, those on other boats who tried to escape with them were getting captured and brought back to the Tower, causing their numbers to dwindle. Before they knew it, Erza and Lucy were the only ones left.

After paddling for some time, they stopped to catch their breath, as a thick fog covered their sight of the island.

"Do you think we made it?" Lucy said panting.

"I'm not sure. I hope so." Erza said.

This moment of relief as short-lived as a boat with guards on it approached. They were grabbed as the girls tried their hardest to fight back.

"Lucy!" Erza yelled while struggling to break free. "You have to get out of here!"

"I'm trying!" Lucy said.

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