Chapter 7: The Duel

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Hello everyone, sorry for the wait, but I'm finally back from my little hiatus. I hope you enjoyed the holidays/new year celebrations!

Btw I came across a pick-up line about Fairy Tail that I would like to share with you because I think it's funny, ready?

"Is your name Reedus?... Because you color my world."

#swoon #notreally #tryagain

Anyways, enjoy!


"What exactly are your terms for this duel?" Erza questioned.

"My terms are simple, you and I will engage in combat. If you win, I will declare that your 'caring her', or so you say, is good enough. But if you lose, you must cease pursuing a relationship with her, that's all there is to it." Aquarius stated with her arms crossed.

"What, are you crazy? This is absurd." Erza said in disbelief.

"I'm just trying to determine if you are deserving of Lucy, don't tell me you're giving up already." Aquarius said, trying to provoke her.

Erza grit her teeth at the spirit and thought for a moment over the stakes. "I will win! I must!" She thought to herself. After some time, she spoke. "You have a deal." Erza stated simply.

Aquarius grinned slightly. "Good. I'm glad we've come to an agreement." She paused for a moment before speaking once more. "Ready yourself, Erza, I won't make this easy for you."

"You would disgrace my abilities if you did." Erza said in response with a small nod of her head as she requipped her sword into her hand.

Aquarius eyed the sword before looking at Erza again. "Then let us begin." She said calmly before readying her attack.

- Back in Lucy's hospital room -

Natsu's ears perked up at a sound he heard in the distance. "What is that noise outside?" He asked in confusion.

They all stayed quiet for a moment to listen. It sounded like water in the ocean crashing down violently during a fierce storm, followed by the loud clanging of metal.

"I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds like someone might be in trouble." Grey added.

"Hmm... indeed. Natsu, Grey, go find the source of this disturbance. I'll stay here with Lucy." Master Makarov said as he took a glance at the blonde.

"Sure thing, gramps." Grey said nodding as he and the Dragon Slayer ran out of the room.

Once they reached where the noise was coming from, they were both were shocked to see Erza wearing her Sea Empress Armor fighting with Aquarius.

"Woah! What's going on here?" Grey asked in a concerned voice while he took in what he was seeing.

Looking a little beat up, Aquarius glanced at them, "It's nothing that concerns you, now run along!" She said yelling in their direction as water erupted from her urn.

Erza didn't dare to look away as she blocked the attack, not wanting to give Aquarius an advantage. "Clear out boys, I can handle this." She said with a determined look on her face, as she made a large strike with her sword in Aquarius' direction, but missed as the spirit was able to quickly evade the attack.

Natsu and Grey looked at each other confused at the situation. "Are you sure?" Natsu asked, struggling to make sense of what he was seeing.

"Yes!" Erza and Aquarius yelled back in unison as they continued to send attacks back and forth, trading blows and dodging when they could.

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