Chapter 3: Doubt

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Hey guys! I added another chapter to this story! Yay!

Dumb joke time: What rhymes with Part B?....... Part-A! (party) haha get it... I know it's terrible. -___-

Thanks for the reading-list adds and votes, I really appreciate it! Shout-out to KaixinPhoenix and Chappy-Kawai for asking me to continue this story! I've decided that I will try to flesh out Erza and Lucy's relationship a little bit more and see where it takes us. Anyways, enjoy!


- Timeskip: A few days later -

Lucy has been in her apartment thinking intensely about the last few days. After reuniting with Erza, she has since avoided going to the guild altogether, unsure about her situation with the scarlet haired mage. Sure they were friends as children, but what are they now? She thought to herself.

Lucy hears a sudden knock at her door causing her to jump from being startled.

She answers the door with an exasperated sigh assuming it was Natsu and Happy barging in again unannounced to eat all of her food and invade her space.

"What?!" She said with anger and annoyance as she opened the door.

"Um... Hi, Lucy." It was Levy, surprised at Lucy's tone. "Is this a bad time?" She said backing away slightly. 

"Levy? Oh I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else." She glanced around nervously. "Please come in." Lucy said with an embarrassed smile. After some moments of standing in awkward silence, "Do you want to sit down?" Lucy asked as she ushered Levy to sit at the table.

"Sure." Levy said as she took a seat. "Now Lucy, the reason why I've come here is because I've noticed you haven't been at the guild for the past few days, what's wrong? Are you sick?" Levy reaches over and places her hand on Lucy's forehead with a worried expression.

"No, I feel fine." Lucy said in denial as she leaned away from Levy, clearly being anything but fine.

"Then what's wrong?" Levy paused for a moment of thought. "Is this about Erza?" She asked.

Lucy blushed slightly at her friend. "Maybe... it's just, I don't know... I'm afraid to see her or talk to her..." She trailed off as she tried to look anywhere but Levy's eyes, wanting to avoid eye contact.

"Why? Erza is your friend, I don't think it would be that hard to talk to her." Levy said. 

"Yeah but, what if she's not the same? What if we catch up more and it turns out we have nothing in common? What if we weren't meant to be together?" Lucy said emptying out her thoughts.

"So let me get this straight, you're worried that because you haven't seen her for 10 years, she's changed so much that she won't like to spend time with you?" Levy asked confused.

"Something like that I guess... I'm not sure how I feel really. It's so frustrating!" Lucy said sounding upset.

"Maybe you should talk to her about it, I'm sure she probably feels the same way with the whole 'I haven't seen you in forever thing', I'm sure she'll understand where you're coming from." Levy said trying to comfort her.

"I don't know..." Lucy says still unsure of what to do.

"Lucy, you can't avoid her forever and you can't just stop showing up at the guild. The only way you can fix this is by addressing the situation head on." Levy said.

Lucy let out a deep sigh before speaking again. "Ok fine. I'll go to the guild tomorrow." She said sounding slightly defeated.

Levy giggled lightly. "I'm sure everything will be fine, don't worry about it." She said as she got up to give Lucy a hug.

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