Chapter 10: Kiss Her!

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What's up, guys! I'm back with the last chapter of this story! But before we get started, I found one more Fairy Tail pickup line for old-times sake.

"Is your name Erza?... Because my cheeks go scarlet when I think of you."

Enjoy the stunning conclusion to Old Friends!


Erza sulked at the counter in the guildhall, the hall was its usual rowdy place with its members sitting at the various tables sharing a drink, but she chose to sit alone, still feeling disappointment from the events that took place, or more so, didn't take place the night prior.

Cana eyed the scarlet haired mage from a distance before chugging from her barrel and wiping her mouth with her forearm before walking up to her. "So, how did it go with you and Lucy last night, huh?" She said while nudging Erza with her elbow teasingly.

Erza glared in her direction. "Nothing happened. If you don't recall, you prevented it." She grumbled in response.

"What? I did? When?" Cana asked in genuine confusion after having forgotten most, if not all, of the details.

"Ugh." Erza sighed out. "Lucy and I were barely able to touch lips, while you stumble into the hallway totally drunk, shouting out who knows what. Cana, you ruined everything!" She yelled in accusation.

"Oh, my bad, Erza." Cana said apologetically. "I'm sure you'll get another chance though." She said trying to reassure her.

"And what if I don't, then what?" Erza questioned.

"Hey, don't worry about it!" Cana said while draping her arm sloppily around Erza. "I'll set something up for you if it gets to that point." She said with a wink.

"Whatever." Erza said with annoyance. "Just leave me alone."

"Oh, come on, Erza." Mira's voice chimed in from behind the counter. "It can't be all that bad." She said while trying to comfort her.

"Well, I don't care." Erza responded with her arms crossed. "I wasn't able to kiss Lucy, and it's all Cana's fault."

"She said she was sorry." Mira added, trying to make Erza feel better.

"Yeah. I mean, if anybody wants you guys to kiss, it's me." Cana said.

Mira and Erza both turned their heads with confusion as they looked at her.

"I have a bet going with Natsu and Grey, remember?" She asked. "If I can somehow get you two to kiss before the end of today, I win!" She said gleefully.

"Cana! I'm going to kil..." Erza was about to argue with Cana over placing bets on her relationship with Lucy, but was interrupted by the blonde's voice greeting them.

"Hey guys!" Lucy called out sounding cheerful while approaching them with a smile on her face.

Erza got up quickly and pushed Cana's arm off of her shoulders. "Hey, yourself." She said with a smile.

"Yo, Lucy!" Cana shouted out to get the blonde's attention. "Lookin' good." She said with a nod.

"Oh, this old thing." Lucy said while looking down at her clothes. "I guess I do, huh?" She asked smiling.

Erza gave Cana a look, as if to say 'shut up' before turning to Lucy. "You look beautiful, as always." She said with a smile.

Lucy blushed. "Thanks."

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