Chapter 5: Curtain Call (Part 1)

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Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying the holidays! My gift to you will be this chapter, and to make up for not being able to post all next week (sorry), I will also be posting Chapter 6 tonight as well. Yay!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and after New Years, I'll be back Arnold Schwarzenegger style.

Also, sorry if there are typos, I tried to churn these out quickly for you guys.



The train arrived at the Onibus Town Station with a screech of its breaks and a hiss of its engine.

Lucy, Erza and Grey got up to gather their things, leaving Natsu sprawled in the booth, still feeling the symptoms of his motion sickness, even after the train had stopped moving.

"Natsu! Get up, its time to get off!" Happy said pulling at Natsu's arm.

"Uuugh, Happy, I can't do it..." Natsu said back weakly.

"Yes you can, come on!" Happy said still trying to pull Natsu out of the booth.

With help from Happy, Natsu crawled on all fours to get out of the train and stopped once he reached the feet of his companions.

"Natsu, I hope you're feeling better." Lucy said bending down to look at him.

"Come on, Natsu, quit being such a baby and get up, we still have to get to the theater you know." Grey said with little sympathy while poking Natsu with the toe of his shoe.

"Maybe you should carry him, Erza." Happy suggested. "I don't think that he'll be getting up anytime soon." He said concerned.

"I'll do nothing of the sort!" Erza said crossing her arms, still feeling angry with Natsu for sleeping in Lucy's lap.

"Can't you at least put him in the wagon and pull him there?" Happy said pleading up at her. "Pretty, please" He begged, as if trying to win back Erza's favor after he had called her scary earlier.

Erza sighed. "Fine, but this will be the only favor I will do for him." She said as she hoisted Natsu up and placed him amongst her luggage and props in the wagon. A small "Uugh" was heard as a response.

"Okay! Now that that's settled, we should head to the theater, the owner should be waiting for us to arrive." Lucy said as they started to begin walking.

Once at the theater, the group stopped to look in awe at the building, the theater was a lot bigger than what they had imagined it to look like. Once at the entrance, the group was met by Rabian, the owner of the theater.

"Oh, you must be the group of wizards from Fairy Tail!" He said smiling at them all. "Thank you for taking my job posting, I need as much help as I can get around here." Ushering them inside.

"We'll do our best!" Lucy said cheerfully at him.

"Rabian, before we start, I was wondering something." Erza said.

"Sure, what is it? I'll answer any questions you may have about my fine establishment." He said smiling proudly at them.

"While I appreciate you asking for help from our guild, what happened to your actors? Surely, there must've been a reason you came to us." Erza said trying to analyze the situation.

Rabian paused for a moment and looked down in shame. "Well, you see... they all left." Making the group gasp in shock.

"What do you mean they all left?!" Lucy said in surprise.

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