The Trouble with Management

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"What's the problem?" A burly voice demanded. It was a quartz no doubt.

"Hi. This is Peridot EGS7, Facet 9, Cut HS10. I'm stranded at the abandoned quartz facet, Facet 15, post call sign Delta Echo Foxtrot."

"So?" The voice asked her.

"It's snowing heavily here. It is cold. I am cold. I would like to go home."

"No can do Perisnot." The voice jeered.

"It's actually Peri." She corrected trying her best to sound irritated without sounding like she might wind up in a full blown rage.

"Like I care. The weather's too bad out there for anyone to come get you."

Peri stared at the device dumbfounded. "Wouldn't it be the perfect opportunity for some quartz soldier to show off their strength by rescuing... a poor... helpless... peridot?" She drug the words out hoping that she didn't have to finish her thought. She let off the button and awaited a response.

"It's too stormy out."

"Can I talk to a manager?" Peri asked as she wrapped her cape around her legs trying to stay somewhat warm.

"What good will it do?" The burly voiced gem asked.

"Perhaps you aren't away of who I am? I am Peri, Gem Healer to the Fifth Courts." She smugly smiled at the radio, for all the good it did.

"Perhaps you don't know of who I am. I'm Citrine, 51st battalion."

Peri scowled at the radio for a moment before hesitantly asking, "What is it exactly that you are known for?" It was better to ask instead of trying to make sense of the gem.

"I'm not known for anything!" The citrine barked. "Just like you! What the heck even is a Gem Healer?"

"Listen here Citrine, I'm no longer asking to speak to a manager, I'm demanded to speak to one! It's freezing out here and I-" She realized the line had been disconnected. "Hello!?" She adjusted several dials and knobs before sighing. "Stupid technology. Stupid gems. Stupid snow." The radio came to life as she nudged one of the buttons on the front. "Command Post 4, I was disconnected."

"You again?!" The citrine yelled. "How did you hack the system? I blocked your channel number!"

Peri snickered. "Oh you know... dumb old peridots. Now, will you transfer me?"

"I'll transfer you, not because your being a clod and demanding it, but because I'm sick of talking to you."

"Thanks." Peri spat. Static filled the radio again. She cast her gaze over the room which was getting darker as the daylight faded into a stormy night. Not a single soul had been here in ages. How she'd wound up on the mission to retrieve old files was beyond even her intelligence.

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