Control Room, Do You Copy?

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"Command Post 4 Control Room." The same pearl began.

"I need you to hack the system and patch me through to the Diamonds." Peri hurriedly informed the gem.

"I'm sorry but-"

"No, I'm not going to hear that I can't be patched through. I've befriended enough pearls to know what you all are capable of. Patch me through to Yellow Diamond."


"All pearls are given an access code. Don't try to fool me; I'm a Gem Healer to the Fifth Courts."

"What's a-"

"I shatter the gems sentenced to death!" Peri yelled at the radio as she shivered again. "Patch me through."

There was static once more. The crackling sound filled the room for the longest time. Peri mulled over the concept of being disconnected again several times before a voice came on the radio.

"This is the Yellow Diamond Control Room." A new voice filled the radio.

"I need to speak to Yellow Diamond!" Peri yelped before grabbing the radio frantically. "I'm Peridot EGS7, Facet 9, Cut HS10. Gem Healer to the Fifth Courts. There's a problem..."

"She's too busy to deal with 'problems' right now." The voice informed Peri.

"I need to speak to her. Can you at least tell her who I am?" Peri asked desperately.

There was a disgusted sigh followed by more static. Moments later a voice came on the line. "Peridot?" It was Yellow Diamond.

"My Diamond-"




"Can I-"


Peri stared at the radio. "May I-"


She snapped the radio's buttons to get herself off that channel and quickly before she said something she'd regret. It was no pitch black out. She huddled in the corner trying her best to stay warm. "What a clod." She muttered.

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