A Missing Jasper

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The next day, the group continued on to find Mount Weather. They decided the previous night to rest up in the forest. Charlie was still hurting from the gash but not as bad as the day before. It was good enough to walk with but she still limps.

They went back to the lake they were at, trying to find another way across it that doesn't involve them stepping foot in the water.

"Hey guys, look!" Monty called out while holding onto a long vine hanging from a tree. Charlie's eyes widened in excitement, she wanted to be the first to go across.

"I call it!" Finn claimed, racing forward to go first. Charlie pouted a little but she didnt really care. Monty came back down to stand next to Clark, Octavia, and Charlie while Jasper went up there with Finn. Finn kept messing with the rope, testing it.

"You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling!" Clarke called out to Finn. "Mount Weather awaits."

"Just hang on until the apogee and you'll be fine." Jasper assured him.

"The apogee, like the Indians, right?" Finn asked. Charlie rolled her eyes at him. The idiot knows what an apogee is.

"Apogee, not apache."

"He knows. Today, Finn."

"Aye, Aye, captain. See you on the other side." Finn saluted, pulling back the vine.

Charlie started to fidget as she grew excited. She couldn't wait to get to the other side and see what was over there.

"Wait." Jasper stopped him. "Let me."

Finn took a quick glance at Octavia and quickly understood why he wanted to go first. To get the girl. Charlie understood to, since Jasper has been her friend since she was little. She turned towards Octavia and elbowed her softly in the side. When the girl looked at her, Charlie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Octavia giggled with a blush before looking at Jasper and Finn again.

After a little bit of encouragement, Jasper went flying. Charlie watched with a wide smile, and tons of laughs. "Woohoo! Go Jasper!" she yelled, cheering him on.

When he let go, he landed on the ground. After stumbling a bit, he stood up and looked back at the others. Throwing his arms in the air, he yelled. "WE. ARE. APOGEE."

They all began to cheer, hoot, and holler. They were genuinely happy to be on earth, but that quickly turned when Jasper held up a sign that read something about mount weather. Because immediately after, a spear flew through the air and struck Jasper in the chest. Sending him back against a tree.

"Jasper?" Charlie called out, tears threatening to escape. "Jasper!"

"Come on. Come on!" Finn ordered, grabbing Charlie and getting her to hide behind a rock.

With a shaky breath and a rapidly beating heart, Clark stated, "We're not alone."

Charlie was having a hard time trying to breath as she ran through the forest with the others. Not because of the exercise (although it is partly the reason) but because she keeps thinking that Jasper is dead. And she can't handle that. Not right now.

So far, they were doing pretty good at jumping over all the obstacles. At least until Monty tripped and fell.

Octavia and Charlie rushed to help get him up. She heard a crunch under her feet and moved her shoe to get a better look. There were bones scattered all around and Monty is stuck looking at a ribcage.

"Who's are they?" Finn asked.

Clarke picked up an odd shaped skull. "What are they?"

"We are so screwed."

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