A Little Flirting

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Cheers and the smell of something being burned is what woke Charlie up. She groaned. Not of pain, but of hunger. She hasn't eaten since they landed yesterday. "Charlie?" Monty came up to her as she tried to sit up. He helped her and handed her a cup of water. "Drink up. You lost a lot of blood." She downed the clear liquid and stood up. She felt better than before so she looked down and saw her tank top ripped about halfway so must of her stomach would be showing. Although it is wrapped up where the cut was.

"Move slowly for the next couple of days, Fitz. It was pretty bad so you have some stitches." She nodded and goes to stand up, wobbling a little and seeing a few spots. "Woah, Fitz. Take it easy." He chuckled, grabbing onto her forearms and helping her up.

"Ok, um. Is the group back?" She asked him. He grinned and motioned behind her. She turned around and saw Jasper, sleeping. He looked pretty beat up with cuts all over his face.

She was about to go over to him but her stomach growled loudly. "Oh, come on." Monty said, pulling her off the dropship and outside. It was now dark outside but there was a fire in the middle with people cheering and dancing. "They got food." Monty walked off to join a couple of his new friends but Charlie stayed still. She quickly noticed that people were trading their arm bands for the food.

She looked and saw people eating meat. Something they didn't have the luxury to eat much of on the ark. As she was looking around at everyone, her eyes met Bellamy. It seemed as if he was already watching at her. Which he was, as his eyes were drawn to her as soon as she stepped foot off of the dropship. He walked over to her and handed her the steak on a stick. "Here, you should eat." he tried to give it to her, but she refused.

"I'm not letting you take my arm band off." She stated, figuring that he was going to make her pay up. As much as she distasted her father at times, in the end, she loves him. And she knows he'd be devastated if he thought she was dead. She couldn't let him think that.

"Think of it as more of a... thank you. For trying to protect my sister." he was sincere. He always wanted his sister to be safe and this girl. This beautiful and intriguing woman in front of him, managed to do just that. She even put herself in danger to do it. And that is something that he honors.

"You don't have to thank me for that. She is a great girl. She deserves the most out of everyone here and I hope to be considered her friend, one day." Charlie replied, finally accepting the meat and taking bite out of it. She moaned because it tasted so good. Better than anything on the ark. "Thank you though, this is delicious."

Bellamy chuckled at her. "How's the gash?"

"It's- gashy? I don't know. I'm gonna have a gnarly scar though. I'm gonna look so badass." Charlie was joking, of course, but she still thought it was going to be cool.

She continued to eat the food and watch everyone else have fun. Bellamy continued to watch her, he didn't understand how she got under his skin or why he care's about her. But he does. Even from the first moment he saw her. Her body flew and hit the wall across from him. On instinct, he grabbed her and put her in the seat next to him so she wouldn't die. Didn't even think twice about it, just did it.

The more that Bellamy thought about it, he realized that he has seen her before that. It was at one of the Unity Dances. The first one he was a guard at. Even back then he was amazed at her beauty. He watched her walk in the room with two guys by her side. One with goggles on the top of his head and a mask covering his face. And the other only had a mask on. Although Bellamy couldn't see her entire face because of the mask, he could never forget her eyes, smile, or hair.

"You already look badass." He told Charlie after a few minutes, turning to face the front and walking off.

She blushed at his comment, but stopped him in his step. "Hey Bellamy," She walked up next to him again. "Just so you know, you look so much better when your hairs not gelled back." he looked into her eyes, "Sexy, even."

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