Were there 2?

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Police: Can I have your name?
Me: Layah Cole
Police: And who has been raped?
Me: *paused*
Police: ma'am are you still there?
Me: yes, it was me. I was raped.
Police: could you come down for questioning?
Me: Sure.

My mom and I headed down to the station for questioning. Maybe she hadn't turned on me after all. I don't know. They asked me all types of questions some I didn't even feel comfortable with but I answered them. "And whose the guy that raped you?" Police said. "His name is Randy Brown" I replied. They asked when did it happen did he hit me or anything I just told them that he threw me. They asked were anyone else involved. I sighed. Should I tell on Liv? I knew it was the right thing to do if I wanted this handled. So I told. "Yes, I guessed they set me up because when he got done with me he told her "thanks your the best" ". "And who is she" he replied. I said: " Liv Welborn".

When he got done questioning me he somehow told me that he would get in contact with the 2. I told him that I could possibly have a witness he asked for the name and I told him Drey Farr. I hoped he would help me out I mean he was the only one there besides the other 2. I called him up and asked him
Me: Drey could you please help me I need you.
Drey: what is it?
Me: I told the police that Randy raped me  I was wondering could you help me out and be a witness?
Drey: Layah you know that's my boy I don't think I can do him like that.
Me: please I'm begging you.
Drey: I'll see what I can do I'll help you get through this. I got you.

Hopefully everything would work out fine. The police said that they would investigate it more and let me know more information. About 3 hours later my mom had told me that both Liv and Randy was charged with Rape and Liv was charged with Accessory. I smiled " I knew Drey was going to help me". They then set a court date for the 2. The court date was set for December 10th.

December 10th had  came and I had been pregnant for a week now. I just prayed that my baby would be healthy. We arrived to court and we got sworn in. They both had their attorney. They went on with the case and they were both found "Guilty". I jumped for joy but was a little sad because my bestfriend was being locked up. Was I wrong for this?  Randy was sentenced 7 years in prison and Liv was sentenced with 2 years and had to pay a fine. I was happy in the end because they both got what they deserved.

Months passed by and I was getting bigger by the day I was 5 months now. I could feel movement inside my body. I went to the doctor for a ultrasound. They were going to tell me what I was having today. I signed myself in and waited. There were many others up there pregnant. I got called to the back. The nurse asked me are you excited. I said yes I am. "There was no reason to be mad at the human inside my body because they didn't do anything they were innocent" I thought. They rubbed the gel over my stomach and put the monitor on me. The lady looked at me shocked with her mouth opened. She said " there's two heartbeats"...

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