Chapter 5

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Haley walked into class. She felt eyes grazing her. It felt horrible. As if multicolored spirals of nails were poking into her skin. She turned around, she tried to find out who was looking at her in such a, such a horrid way. It was a random boy. Faded brown eyes. Gold flecked, light brown hair. His coloring seemed to be a faded version of Haley's. He was smirking. He wasn't trying to hide the fact that he was obstructing her personal space with his intruding stares. He started walking towards her. He flicked his head back, bit his lip and winked. She did her standard eye roll and turned around. She kept her irises at the corner of her eye, trying to sense movement. And when she did she turned around immediately and punched the person in front of her.

"No need to get angry chica, I had to run to the office before class."

"No no no," Haley's face flushed, "There was this whole thing with a guy checking me out and I thought you were him..."

"Well I am him," Juan replied.

"Wait..." Haley blushed like crazy and looked at Juan's angelic green eye. Angel? Fallen angel.

"Well I will speak only the truth to you chica."

Haley managed to rebuild her flirtatious yet sarcastic look, but she barely managed to utter (though it sounded confident enough), "Feast your eyes pretty boy."

"Damn, but I thought you were not chill with it, I mean you punched me and all, and bruh that was a good punch."

"You? You, I don't mind," Haley said, delicately entangling her fingers in his black shirt and pulling him closer so their chests slightly touched, he gulped. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down, "You, pretty boy, can look all you want."

She would have done Linda proud.

"Well you made that clear," he tried to say but his voice spluttered out as she gazed into both of his eyes at once. Her vision, a collision of green and blue. He was used to his exotic colors. But when he saw those big obsidian orbs, filled with hope, trust and just a hidden tinge of sadness, he fell. Her dark brown eyes, grounded him. They tied down his exotica with beauty. A true beauty. Her eyes were a priceless adornment to her already beautiful face. "Clarity, is my middle name." Her fingers untangled themselves and she spun around, letting her hair brush across his neck, she sashayed to her seat. A sashay that was so magnificent that Linda would have teared up. Funny how she could be flirtatious, yet shy. It took him all his willpower to not catch her hand as she turned around. To pull her back to that position, to stare at her eyes forever. She was an angel. For sure. Not fallen. She hadn't fallen yet. Not like he had. She was a swirl of bronze, gold and silver to him. Never had mixed metals looked more beautiful, never had metals been so delicate.

Haley went and sat down on her seat. Wow. Talk about intense. Juan came and pulled out a chair next to her. She smirked up at him, and he grinned down at her. "Why are you sitting here? View's better?"

"No, I just want to look cool, sitting next to the prettiest girl in class on my first day."

Haley smiled and slapped him on the shoulder, as their teacher walked in. Damn, how were all their teachers good looking this year, but I mean she had only met two (excluding homeroom), but still. She introduced herself as Ms. Daniella Ross. Ms.Ross had black hair, and the kindest smile that Haley had ever seen. It lit up not only her own face but the faces of all the people standing in her general vicinity. A contagious smile. The tips of her hair were coloured in light brown shades. Woah ombre. Black to light brown. She had these humongous eyes, each a light brown. She was drop dead gorgeous. With high cheekbones... the whole deal. She smiled at Haley. Crap. Perfect set of teeth as well. She walked to the front of the class, she was wearing flats. Haley loved this teacher already.

"Hey class... wait I'm supposed to be all formal, give me a second." She turned to face the whiteboard, cleared her throat, turned back around and said, "Good morning to you all," in the most fake (on purpose) British accent that Haley had ever heard.

The class burst out laughing.

"Okay I guess I have made my first impression, now it's your turn. Yes class the pressure is ON," she said smirking and flailing her hands around crazily.

More laughter. "Why don't we start with you," she said a little more gently, pointing at Juan.

He stood up, "Well hey, Ms. Ross, I am new here at Maple High, and I have been told that the words that best describe me are Shakespearean Picasso but I have been called many things. To name one, grandpa... I think you can all guess why," he said pointing to his silver streak of hair, "But for your info people, I did it on purpose." Everyone snickered.

"A- for description, sweetheart you still didn't tell me your name."

"I realize that Ms.Ross," he sneaked a look at Haley and said, "Juan, my name is Juan."

"Hispanic are you?"

"Nope, Spanish, Hola."

"Damn you have to give me more proof than that, everyone knows Hola."

"Haha, take my word for it, Ms.Ross, I can speak Spanish."

"Alright, alright, I trust you."

"A- on description, what about my grade for impression?"

"A+ Master Shakespearean Picasso."

"Gracias, Señora."

"Haha, nice try, but you still haven't proved your point."

Juan smirked and plopped himself down, back next to Haley.

Next it was Haley's turn.

"Hallo, Ms.Ross, My name is Haley," she said looking at Juan and grinning, he shook his head, smiling, "I love writing, and I have come to this class to become good at it."

"Haha, I am very sure you have some talent, I can see it in your eyes."

"Nobody can read my eyes, Ms.Ross."

"Oh really?"

"Well except Linda of course," Haley started rambling. As she tended to do whenever she thought about Linda.


"My best friend."

"Oh very amiable, are you?"

"Friends and my father, they are my world."

Ms. Ross smiled. A smile that generated warmth and motherly affection.

"And please..."

"Don't ask about your mother? Dear God I won't, I know how you feel."

"Gods," Haley corrected.

"I beg your pardon?" Ms. Ross asked, with a hint of another smile playing on her lips

"Gods," Haley said a little louder.

"Gods it is," Ms. Ross agreed. The whole class smiled. Haley always had that warm, summery effect on people. She had an aura of innocence. 'An aura of an angel,' Juan thought. She looked around. She spotted a few familiar faces. They nodded to her, and she nodded back.

"Grades, Ms. Ross?"

"A+, my dear, on both."

Haley sat down throwing a fake expression of superiority at Juan. Juan stuck his tongue out and they both started laughing. They didn't notice but Ms. Ross was observing both of them, and she had a big smile on her face. 'They make each other so happy, in a world where they can only find melancholy. A fallen angel can pull down an angel, but can an angel lift the fallen?' she thought.

Definiton #5: Love is a feeling that makes you look at the world with a new set of eyes.

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