Chapter 9

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Haley rolled out her bike.

"Umm I don't have a bike."



"Nothing," Haley said and blushed furiously. She had ventured into her own world for a few seconds, clinging onto his waist as the wind lifted their hair, "It's okay if you don't have a bike, we could just use the bus."

"No," he said surprising both of them, he touched his lips, incredulous that those words had escaped.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Haley arched her eyebrow, but her mind and heart were pleading him to say what she was hoping he was going to say.

"Um if you don't mind.. um I could ride and you could, you know."

And he had said it. They both looked at each other for a second. His blue eye was glazed with nervousness. She shattered this barrier of doubtfulness by walking up to him. Her fingers reached out for his and she let out the keys in his palm.

"I hope you know how to ride a bike pretty boy," she said, her voice lowering to a mere whisper.

"Chica..." she shivered as his palm moved from hers to her waist. He pulled her closer. Their mouths literally millimeters away from contact. She closed her eyes, waiting for the bliss, waiting for the electricity, waiting for the blue and green to merge into one and give her an experience of a tranquil explosion. But that didn't happen.

"You sure bet I do," he said pulling back at the last second and smirking at her.

"Damn you," she tried to say but her voice wavered off, she was still affected by the intensity of the sparks that she'd felt when she was in his presence, well that is, when the green eye dictated his personality, like now.


"Okay take a right," Haley directed, "And we are here."

"Oh my God."


"Gods," he corrected himself. His mouth was open in awe, his eyes had widened. Before him lay Haley's 4th favorite place. The place she liked to call: An Effusion of Colours. His gasp echoed off the glass before them.

"Well don't just stand there, let's go inside."

They walked in after Haley unlocked the door. It was enclosed with glass doors and windows on the open side and the other three sides were brick walls, painted white inside. Each step of theirs revealed another surge of hues. When they reached the first painting, their systems were almost overloaded already. The painting had infinite strokes, and each seemed to have neither a beginning nor an ending. It was a wave of shades of green drowning a human. It represented jealousy, washing over a person. Each art piece was more stupendous than the previous. Juan felt like even breathing would pollute the purity of this place. Paintings that represented all the emotions ever known to man were scattered across the walls... well except love.

When they reached the last one, Juan was sure that he was about to faint due to his overwhelmed state. He already had his arm across Haley's shoulders for support. The paintings were like darts thrown into his eyes, they dove deep, left a scar and made him blind to everything else in this world, but unlike darts these paintings exhibited a welcome pain in the depths of his irises.

The last painting though, the last painting made his heart clench. It let out waves of sorrow and despair, betrayal and... love... though Haley didn't realize that. It was of an angel. The angel was in chains. And he was trying to escape these chains, trying to be free. But another person. A mortal, pulled him back, walking in the other direction. The glow of the angel seemed to be slowly dissipating. And twisted in these silver chains was a heart. A caption was etched below the painting, in a beautiful cursive handwriting. An Angel is bound by the bonds of mortality, the mortality of the one they adore. And that marks the beginning of their Fall.

Only people who adored art as much as Haley and Juan did could feel as affected as they did. These paintings had pulled them into a maze of interpretations of the illusions of the world. It was crazy that a few colours splattered on a piece of paper in a definite or indefinite manner could toy with their emotions. But it could. That was the insane thing about art.

Once they had finished their viewing, they walked outside, calmly, without a uttering word. When they reached outside, Juan blew out the breath that he had been holding. "Chica, that was, what do you say... 'fabtacular' ?"

His Spanish-English dilect creeped into his sentences due to awe. "No one says that Juan," Haley said, the corner of her lip tilting upwards.

"Who... who painted them?" Juan asked. It was as if he was terrified of the answer. It was as if he wanted to leave the anonymity of the artist intact but his curiosity was too adamant.

"The first five, my mother did. The rest... I painted them."

Even though Juan was expecting this answer, he could not withhold his gasp.

"Chica, you are dripping with talent."

Haley smiled shyly at the compliment.

"Chica why don't you display them? For the world to enjoy."

Haley's features darkened.

"Hey, it's okay, I am sorry for what I said," Juan said, noticing the sudden change in mood.

"No, no it's fine. It's just a long story..."

"You can tell me when you are ready," Juan said earnestly.

He coiled his hands around her waist. Warmth and energy deluged into her. She rested her head on his chest. She buried herself in the folds of the fabric of his shirt. He hugged her tightly, and she hugged him back. They were sharing their energy, they were getting over the overwhelming experience that they had had inside The Effusion of Colours. She'd never felt more safe, except in Linda's arms of course. Linda's arms were still her safest haven. He moved one of his hands from her waist to her hair. He wove his hands through the strands. Haley had no words to describe how she felt right now. She had an idea of what word to use, but she was way too scared to use it. As they broke apart and clambered onto her bike, Haley gazed into his blue eye. A flush of calmness washed over her by just looking at it.

Why does this word have to be so confusing? Why could she not define it? As these thoughts racked her brain, they sped off, the wind carrying the strands of Juan's hair onto her face, stroking her cheeks, and giving her a feeling of normalcy. A normalcy that was much needed after the out of this world place that they had just been to.

Definition #9: Love is when a person makes you feel the way you want to feel at that moment. If you want comfort thats what you receive, if you want a rollercoaster of emotions, needless to say that should also be at your disposal.

A/N If you guys have actually come this far in my book I must address you. Firstly you all deserve a round of applause for tolerating my story this far. Secondly thank you for reading my book. This is my first actual book that I have written that I am allowing other people to read. My first book: no one has ever seen and my second was actually surprisingly liked by the one friend I showed it to. That friend's approval was what encouraged me to publish this book on wattpad. Thank you friend :'), you know who you are.
Needless to say, I would love it if you voted, commented and followed me but that's your choice.

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