Chapter 1

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Her dad walked into the living room. His shoulders were slumped. Sweat trickled down his brow, despite the fact that he had just come out of his air conditioned Lamborghini. Stress lines etched his face in all the ways a young man's face should not be highlighted.

Her dad was 34. He had been only 21 when he adopted her. She had been an orphan aged 1 year old. He had found love when he was very young.

"Hey daddy," she said smiling. She went over and hugged him as he came into their home. It wasn't the biggest apartment. But it was still pretty spacious. It was a duplex apartment. Her bedroom was the whole top floor because her dad had generously given it up for her, while he took the slightly smaller bedroom downstairs. They each had their private bathrooms (a girl can NOT share a bathroom with her dad) and they had a big living room and a kitchen that was joined to the dining room.

And the decor was perfect. Everything was black and white. In her dad's room everything was either red, white or had a dark wood finish and her room had all the colors of the sea and the beach.

She took his bag and dropped it on their couch and helped him with his jacket. She got a glass of the smoothie that she had made and she gave it to him.

He smiled, "Thank you honey."

"No prob daddy. But dad are you okay? You seem a bit tense."

"Just the usual darling."



Her dad had a horrible boss who never treated him with the respect he deserved. Her dad's boss made fun of him openly to all their colleagues. She had learnt her first swear words by listening to her dad rant about his boss. She knew her dad missed his old boss. The one he used to have in Washington. He used to be good friends with his boss and he was appreciated. He used to get a promotion every year. But they moved to Los Angeles five, now almost six, years ago. When she was nine. She may have lost friends, but her dad lost something more, his passion, for his job. She took his hand and led him to the couch and pushed him down. She switched on the TV. Their favorite movie came on, Alvin and the Chipmunks. He loved that movie.

"Popcorn?" he asked raising one of his eyebrows.

"Almost ready," she said laughing.

She smiled as her father's forehead unwrinkled. It was like watching somebody unfold a piece of crumpled paper. Satisfied with herself, she went to the kitchen to go make them popcorn. She loved movie nights with her dad. Whenever he was free or stressed out they would have a night filled with movies, junk food, and boy talk.

She smiled. Her dad knew everything about her, that she knew about herself and more. She was not embarrassed by him in any way because he had never given her a reason to be so. He had always pampered her but also taught her how to live life properly. And he shared everything with her. That way they both understood each other in a way parents and children hardly do in these times. He had always supported her through thick and thin... that is when he was able to. If she could have chosen her dad she would have chosen HER actual dad for sure. Well the one that was alive...

Definition #1: Love is when one person finds comfort in the other AND vice versa.

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