Chapter 34

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"Get OUT!"



"I SAID GET OUT! Kira's DEAD. My wife's DEAD. When she died, she took my heart, my soul and EVIDENTLY MY DAMN SANITY. So don't come back in here telling me that you are my Kira. Cause I lost her, along with all of those things. And I'm never getting them back, so i'm not going to get her back either."

"Please listen to me. I swear everything I've said is true. Please listen Jordan. I'll prove it to you."

"I'm not the freaking judge or jury I don't want to see any damn proof. If you stay here any longer, you will probably be meeting them anyways, because I'm calling the cops."

"Jordan... one chance. Please don't fall my sweet angel. Please don't descend. For we shall defy fate. For we shall defy destiny hand in hand."

Jordan gasped, "How do you know that?"

His voice had softened a bit. The iciness had disappeared.

"I know it because I was the one who wrote it. For our fifth anniversary. If I remember correctly, you took me to 'The Angelic City' my favorite restaurant," she said, her eyes were glazed with nostalgia.

"You are my light..."
"You are my angel..."
"You made heaven dark..."
"You made hell glow..."
"For I descended in search of love..."
"Losing your wings in exchange for the greatest sin..."
"You lit up my life..."
"And you fell for me..."
"For I am Jordan- the one who descends..."
"And I am Kira- your beam of light," she completed, she reached into the hem of her shirt and pulled out the necklace she hardly ever took off...
'You are my light in the darkest of times.'

"Kira..." he trailed off, going towards her, for a second he just stopped thinking... he pulled her into a hug.

Kira rested her head on his chest, her hands, gripping his back tightly. She finally had him back. Her fallen angel.

Once her mum and dad had sorted everything out, Haley looked at Linda. They spoke through their eyes, their gazes conveying messages that they were too scared to put into words. Juan's mother. She had to tell him. But today... today was a horrible day to tell him. It was his birthday. She had to go over to his house to wish him. She could only hope that she didn't give it away. That her expression of fright, shock and pity didn't express her new discovery before her voice could. Linda grabbed her hand, she started rubbing circles on the back of her hand. But Linda was shocked too. This was... this was unbelievable. Too many coincidences. Too many.

"Ma, Pa, we need to go somewhere..." Haley said, disrupting their small personal bubble of serenity.

"Sure sweetheart," her dad said... smiling.

Haley quickly rushed into her room to grab the soft pastels that she'd gotten and left the house with Linda at her heels.

"Hals, slow down. Calm down. Everything will be fine."

"No Li. Not this time. Everything won't be fine this time."

"It has to be Hals, everything has to be fine. The universe will mend itself Hals. It always does."

"The universe can't mend an unnoticed wound."

Linda sighed. She grabbed Haley's hand, spun her around and pulled her closer. She placed her hands on her hips and rested her forehead on Haley's. They closed their eyes, enjoying a second of peace. Their noses touched sending small shivers down their spines. They opened their eyes simultaneously and looked at each other's lips. Wanting a catharsis. Needing one. Linda gave in. Her lips landed on Haley's and her hands roamed her sides. Haley melted into the kiss. She cupped Linda's head into her hands and kissed her harder. She felt the softness of Linda's lips. The comfort. The familiarity. The sparks. Linda led her to her apartment's closed door, her hands now firm on her hip. The intensity started to evolve into fatigue as their movements slowed, and they broke apart. Their eyes were glazed, both too indulged in the few moments that they'd shared as one. Linda grinned at Haley and Haley grinned back. But the frown reappeared soon enough, when realization hit.

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