Chapter 1

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A/n its currently 2017 amd i wrote thid garbage last year, and i used google translate (in case u didnt read the description) and back then i was really bad at grammar and shit so please, beware. (Also, almost none of this is edited bc I'm lazy, sorry.)

Lafayette ' POV

I had just moved here from France, and I kinda wish I didn't move, I wasn't even to my dorm before I got shoved by some guy named 'Jefferson' well, as his friends called him.

I finally got to my dorm, and opened it. Great, there was already some guys in there. There was a short person who had dark skin, and some muscles. I hope he isn't straight, he looked cute. Then there was two other guys, one with greasy-looking hair and tired eyes, sitting next to a guy with cute curls.

"Bonjour Mon amis! I just moved here, I'm in room 1776 right?" I said, trying a 'cool' approach.

"Yeah, welcome, Laffy Taffy right?" Replied the cute one with darker skin than the rest.

"Oui, My name is Marquis De Lafayette, but you can just call me Lafayette, Mon Ami.

The greasy one wiggled his eyebrows at the short cute one... Wonder what it means? Anyways, Biggie ((a/n Biggie Cheese amiright)) had a cute lil' twinkle in his eyes when he looked at me. I hope he like likes me, or maybe that just means he likes me as a friend, or doesn't mind me existing and breathing the same air as him. Either one works.

"I'm Hercules Mulligan, but please, call me Mulligan." Only thing I can think of right now is the one guy from Disney, Hercules the demi - god? Or maybe he's like a God with a lowercase 'g'.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm at your service sir. You can call me Hamilton, or Alex. Either one is okay it doesn't really matter." Wow he talks fast.

"I'm Johnathan Laurens, but just John is okay." Alex leaned over and kissed his cheek. They're probably together. They make a cute couple.

"Thanks, cool names. Mulligan, right? Where can I put my bags?" I brought over a few bags. One of them was for my clothes, the next was my PS4, And video games for it. Yeah and that's about it.

"Yeah, place them over there, on your bed or something." He had pointed to a corner of the room, next to a bed with blue sheets.

"Merci, Mon Ami." I place my bags in the bed. At least the bed looks comfortable, and the bed has more give then it looked like it. Maybe this place won't be as bad as I originally thought.

"Well, we should get going, I have an essay to type and only a week to do so. Goodbye Herc, see ya Lafayette." Hamilton and Laurens walked out, closing the door.

-time skip brought to by your one and only, lazy author, to the night time-

I awoke from being shaken up.

"Lafayette, dude, wake up! You've been thrashing about and crying, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" He seemed pretty concerned but you never know.

-In the dream-

We were all at the beach, Mulligan, Hamilton and Laurens on a blanket, I was a few yards away from them, exiting a shop. Mulligan was standing up, waiting for me, his arms out reaching for me. Happy for him to be waiting, I run into his arms, expecting him to hug me, kiss me. But he just shoved me so I was thrown back to the shop, hitting my back against the shop door.

-end of the dream-

I woke up again from spacing off and thinking about the dream. Trying get me wOKE. He was asking what was up, again.

"Hm? Oh it was nothing, Mon Ami, I just miss my family back in France." I answered, lying straight through my teeth. That was easier than I thought it would be. Now that I think about it, lying shouldn't be that easy.

Mulligan gave me a doubtful look, asking again and after me denying him yet again, he gave up.

After he gave up, he walked back to his bed. Yeah, there's no way I'm going back to bed. I pick up my phone and scroll through Twitter, ignoring the hate from people who hated me for being so incredibly gay.


Hi dooooods. I hope this wasn't so bad!Cheers to anyone who got the reference(s) in here! I hope you all have a good day/night and don't do anything stupid.

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